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  • Koozhangal



    After his wife flees domestic violence, a man sets off across the scorching desert of Tamil Nadu to retrieve her, with his son in tow.



    Yuvan Shankar Raja

    PS Vinothraj



    • 1.5

    • 1.0

    • 1.0

    • 3.7

    • 3.9

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Dublin, United States

0 replies



What Yuvan did in this movie? What is the end.... total mess


Almere Stad, The Netherlands

0 replies



where is the movie? i cant find it 1.5 hrs


Hareash V.

San Jose, United States

0 replies



Summarizing this piece of art 1. Credits for 10 min 2. Walking for 60 min 3. Story for 3 min. Just watched a movie where 95% of the time you see people walking, WTF!!


Singapore, Singapore

0 replies



just like modern art cant understand!


Praburaj R.

Sydney, Australia

0 replies



This movie was nice. But the director did not add any interesting scenes.


Wakefield, United States

0 replies



The first time around, it was very hard for me to watch a movie that moves at such a slow pace that almost nothing happens. I fast forwarded enough to grasp the bare minimal plotline and to the ending. But the ending really lingers with you for a long time and I wanted to watch the entire movie again at its pace. You start noticing the nuances the director was trying to convey all along and start appreciating it,

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