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August 16 1947
Must Watch2023Tamil
The tale of a remote village where one man battles British forces.
Gautham Karthik
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Last K.
1 replies
Raj D.
7 replies
Since you are the first, you won our special achievement prize! Please contact Ms Paula from this discussion panel. She will be delighted to entertain you.
Geoffrey A.
Rating0 replies
Zrunway Z.
0 replies
lol 😂
Ashok M.
0 replies
I never post comments so clicked the wrong button. Sorry for that. This is one of the best reply and I laughed and laughed :-)
navin K.
0 replies
Lol hahaha
Ronald N.
0 replies
Vijay A.
0 replies
raj k.
0 replies
OH No!, What have you done? Now that you've revealed the secret prize, more candidates will compete fiercely to be the first.
Mohan D.
1 replies
Where are KG kids, saying 1st, 2nd ...
muthu chellappan k.
0 replies
you are second
Pusnikai P.
1 replies
Reminds me of how my wife treated me back in 06
Joe D.
0 replies
The same thing happened , much worse in Eelam..
Rajeswari K.
0 replies
Amazing movie. British empire was the worst and most cruel empire.
Pranav G.
0 replies
Very good movie
Abdul Majeeth A.
10 replies
Seems to be another uruttu from the stack of Murugadas. My father lived during the British period and my wife's grandfather who died 10 years before at the age of 97 never described such situations. Ofcourse the flim like Madarasa Pattinam potrays Britishers in different dimensions. Yes, they were cruel but only to those who oppose them and they never tortured ordinary citizens. This flim potrays them as cruelists and rapists.
Guru G.
1 replies
All one needs to do is see how African people were treated (as chattel slaves) by the English in the Americas
0 replies
Africans were freed by the Victorians 50 years before anywhere in the world. Read History. Dont blabber non-sense from American Democrats. Blacks after 1965 emancipation became prosperous until Democrats broke the family structure by rewarding divorced women with free govt money.
Calvin C.
0 replies
British destabilized crop patterns by forced commercial cropping, and left Indians more prone to famines. Millions died of starvation while India was under the control of british. Of course, when you betray your own people for them, they will give you titles and wealth :) And of course colonial india was not without sexual exploitation.
Vijayaragavan C.
0 replies
British caused the Bengal Famine. From 1943 to 1944, more than three million Indians died of starvation and malnutrition, and millions more fell into crushing poverty. Read More:
Aravindan G.
0 replies
Yours is suthamana uruttu 👏
Killi R.
0 replies
Every family has/had someone from this period. Just because no one spoke to you, doesnt mean it did not happen. Closing your eyes doesn't mean world will get submerged in darkness. Bengal Famine, JalianWala Bagh Massacre, Sepoy mutiny etc all stand testimony to how British trampled and killed Indians without any remorse.
Joe D.
2 replies
I have never heard of such rapes in British period. But much worse with the Singala thugs!!
Guru G.
0 replies
Two words ... Anglo Indians!
alagaratnam c.
Rating0 replies
There ware laws and courts. Indian still follow the laws and court system that was established by British. British rulers especially at the time of independent have to follow those rules. They can't simply rape any girls they want and escape. Anglo Indians are mixed race. Not born by raped women. This culture of privileges to high caste (Brahmin) to rape any girls from so called low caste was eradicated by British rulers. This movie just opposite to reality
Nagappan M.
0 replies
May be Ur father and Ur relatives haven't seen the truth, it's possible as the crulety wasnt there everywhere, if u get time check for speech from Sasi tharoor, and he made this statement in Oxford few years ago and in front of British.
Mike D.
0 replies
Go learn the history again, especially the Jallianwala Bagh, British empire was the ruthless Mother f's
yuki b.
0 replies
british kaaran poola saapuna apdithan privileges tharuvaan
Maha K.
0 replies
how about jallianwala bagh massacre did everyone oppose and they killed.
Sathya N.
0 replies
super movie
mani r.
Rating0 replies
nice movie
Raja G.
Rating0 replies
good movie
itsme t.
0 replies
Chettiar Francis A.
Rating0 replies
Good movie.........must watch
shila P.
Rating0 replies
super movie tq
Naga M.
0 replies
Such an amazing movie!!!
alagaratnam c.
Rating1 replies
Far Far Far too much. Filthy movie. British especially at the time of independent never did even 1% of what the movie shows. Director and writer did no research or study on history and make history movie. Shame. Only happen in Tamil
yuki b.
0 replies
sad to see so many simps believing the british bullshit narrative.
1 replies
Murugadas can say whatever shit & get away with it n BJP era. 1. Before 1857 - India was treated brutally by British East India company but paid a huge cost in 1857. So many british men died. Victoria blamed British East India company for their brutality as well and took over. 2. After 1857 - Victorian laws which were mainly Judeo Christian worldview was used to judge and keep India in Check for morality and peace. 3. 1874 - Victoria approved laws for freedom of religion.
1 replies
After the victorian laws, Indian reformers had legal backing to work with our society on many issues - rights for lower caste, against sati, devadasi system and British men were convicted of crimes and recalled or depositioned under victorian laws. Neverthless, British continued to loot India and took our grains, resources and people whenever they went to war or had famine in their lands. There is no need to defend the British. But unfairly and brutal lies need to rejected at all cost! It creates a narrative that minimizes their good work which is what BJP is looking for!
Maha K.
0 replies
First of all why are you so much fond of supporting british. why did they have to rule us.
Ram K.
Rating1 replies
nice movie already can see keyboard warriors behind the comments swindlers still swindling!!!!
Ronald N.
0 replies
couldnt agree more with you !! :)
Sivakumar s.
Rating1 replies
unnecessary discussion, no doubt about such incidence in past... one vadakkan played key role for our freedom... today we lost nationalism..which is need of hour inTN atleast..
spalani s.
0 replies
now tea master selling to 2 vadakkans
Ronald N.
0 replies
Well scripted movie, there are many comments about the movie, but it is the directors brain child, well imagination. Emotional connect at many places, especially the characters who knows about Freedom but couldnt speak out loud..well designed.. Director deserves appreciation... something different from Typical Gangster based subject !! Hats off team !!
Nutan P.
Rating0 replies
Pathetic movie
Sumitha N.
0 replies
Enjoyable, except the last 30, which was wholesome drag.
sara p.
0 replies
what happend to life time membership on einthusan?
Roy K.
0 replies
its 2023... should be ashamed to make a movie like this... how long will this sentiment run..grow up..
Ghana S R.
0 replies
Brits were able to rule India, because 20% of shitty Indians were liking their boots.
Utgmail g.
0 replies
India has no shame. They went and performed in king’s coronation. Land of mental slaves !
moh a.
0 replies
@Vithatsan J. We believe you, we trust you, we watch you we we we we we etc… 😂😂
Shiva K.
Rating0 replies
This probably is one of the worst films of Tamil film industry!!!!!
Govindhan D.
0 replies
Gautham Karthik was the highlight of the movie and his performance was totally captivating. The movie itself was well-crafted and packed with enough content to keep viewers engaged throughout.
srikant a.
0 replies
89 years between 1858 to 1947 0 So where do these guys get their math skills? 300 years - WTF
Mohan G.
Rating0 replies
All movies do over dramatize. Exploitation/atrocities did happen during British occupation. Gautham Karthik was great.
Yaasir A.
Rating0 replies
The ending logic is not correct, they killed all the Indian officials but these people let them go free! The director did not end it well. I am not satisfied with the ending. You got the freedom but if you kill you will be in prison, thats a foolish statement.
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