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A father, who is often away due to work, is unable to comprehend the intensity of his son's fervent love and admiration, which creates conflict between both of them.
Ranbir Kapoor
Bobby Deol
Rashmika Mandanna
Tripti Dimri
Anil Kapoor
Vishal Mishra
Sandeep Reddy Vanga
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King K.
2 replies
. .
Rating5 replies
It has just been uploaded ( 30 mins ago) and you already gave a review .
Manoj P.
0 replies
He watched at the cinemas unlike you watching pirated.
Andre P.
0 replies
Do you know UK and Nepal are on two continents ?
Sandhya R.
0 replies
Good one!
Tika R.
0 replies
Arun S. Why are you being so naive. If Hindi films are only for Indian then why don’t you guys only release it in India? Don’t be so illiterate.
Ronit K.
Rating0 replies
He might have watched in theaters and came here to comment. And also taste varies from people to people. You tell me, how was the movie? Second part, Animal Farm is going to be released.
Dwij P.
Rating0 replies
its so good movie
pastal u.
Rating1 replies
Kabir singh was better than this. Ranbir and Anil are carrying this movie, fantastic acting. Script/story is meh.
pastal u.
Rating0 replies
Edit : Also the BGM is fantastic
Srikanth B.
Rating1 replies
Really its such horrible low punch movie who gave this fake ratings ! Group 10 people from public if atleast 4 of them say ok . The director and producer need to be arrested for such contact whats the censor board doing !
Hemant J.
2 replies
Going by your language - what are you doing in America?
Charlie C.
0 replies
Abdulrahim J.
Rating0 replies
Srikanth B.
Rating2 replies
I wote a comment if thats not good they remove it ! lol seriously worst movie of all time VANGA needs to be procecuted and its shame that the censor board is bought buy the Bulllywood mafia ! Who in the right mind will see such THUG movies so if your dad did not have time u turn to become rapist and criminal ! Ha which law allows if u rich you can do this . WoW Vanga and Ranbir shows your real life character is low . WHAT really happend to boycott BOLLYWOOD
Jay N.
0 replies
Actors do acting for role they are given. How come Ranbir's real life character is low by acting in this movie buddy ?
Dixanta P.
0 replies
you should be prosected for this comment. how bad this sounnds right?
Amit K.
0 replies
BGM good, story line above average, acting is good. Only logic thrown out the door. as a masala movie - 4 out of 5 rating.
El R.
0 replies
Andrew P.
Rating0 replies
so good
1 replies
Rashmika Veshya Mandana randi choot
Nita N.
0 replies
Mr.AR A, If, according to you 'Rashmika is a randi choot', then what would the hero Ranbir be from your perspective? And why is she a 'randi choot'? Why is it that you have a character statement to make only about a female actor of the movie? Are you an ideal, monogamous person? You never have and never do desire or look at any woman other than your spouse? What gives you the right to characterize a female actor, do you know her personally? If you do know her personally, then what are you doing tailing her to places where is carrying out 'randi choot' activities????
Srikanth B.
Rating0 replies
All the hype creaters ,if the movie is uploaded 30 mins ago how can any one write comments see when it was lol . Rating 1rs for each AI does this you can buy such low life movie are making so much money ! how thanks to low lifes like us who are will into see such crape. Thanks good I did not see it hearing the story was enough .
Rating0 replies
Too Violent and wonder how the Censor board even allowed it. Please do not watch with children...not even with family. All the hard work and acting got overshadowed by the violence and vulgarity shown in the movie. One of the worst movies that I have watched recently...
Nagan G.
Rating1 replies
WOW - I watched An amazing movie after a long time. Super
Alex J.
Rating0 replies
Stop lying
tech k.
1 replies
To all the folks crying movie is not good, too much violence all that shit, there were enough reviews already about this. Why on earth did you guys choose to watch it here when you already knew that movie is like this obviously.
Shreyas 1.
0 replies
and it is up to them whatever they comment, why is your ass burning ya
Kamal K.
1 replies
Old Indian movies were great. Great morals in stories, Indian ethos, good acting and music, made up for technical shortcomings. Nowadays, only technology and the rest is BS. Maybe, the movie makers are just trying to track the tastes of the audience for box office success? Don't blame the movie makers! They can make everything good but will go bust doing it. Thanks to you! I was just checking for new release but did not watch the movie because of comments about violence. Thanks for saving my time and sanity.
Diluar H.
0 replies
Yeah 👍
Thinzar A.
Rating0 replies
Too much VIOLENCE. Young Age and Kids should not watch!! (But the movie is NICE ). i am a big fan of bollywood so i do watch all the films whether it is flop or hit. It does not matter for me. But this time i felt scared , terrified after watching this film. I highly suggest not to watch with ur kids and children. There is too much violence. I couldnt handle it. The movie is worth watching tho.
Shaikh Mohamed S.
Rating0 replies
Young age kids should not watch..
Arthur K.
0 replies
this is some hot garbage
hgkadsfer d.
0 replies
kumar g.
Rating0 replies
worst movie ever i have watched. i don't how people rated so high for such a worst movie.
Bazhdar H.
0 replies
0/10 rubbish
Jay R.
0 replies
Crap movie. Sorry. I didn't feel bored, but there's nothing to it. Just gun, fight, blood, sex, bad words, filthy actions - and all for a father-son affection? Whoa. Better this family doesn't exist - will be too much disturbance to the society. Also I want to know where in the world this happens - there's no police, government, etc.
Aravin R.
Rating0 replies
Biggest trash of 2023
Ridde t.
Rating0 replies
Ravi N.
Rating0 replies
aj s.
0 replies
only Ranbir's entry scene is good.
Sk K.
Rating0 replies
Freddy was the star of the movie!!!
Alen T.
Rating0 replies
Very intense ! Good acting
Rating0 replies
solid movie watched in cinema also - fun fact - this movie was targeted for generation born between 1985 and 1995 - I am in this bracket - fantastic movie! 5*****
Rushabh S.
Rating0 replies
cringiest movie ive seen
Aravind Kumar M.
Rating0 replies
Worst Movie. Wasted 3hr 20Mins
B D.
1 replies
just watched this one on Netflix... had to fast forward most of the time though.. such a rubbish crap movie.. and heard that this movie was a hit, but why and how?
El T.
Rating0 replies
because people watch it for what it is unlike these comments saying its was a violent film when thats what it was supposed to be from the start. It delivered what the audience was promised, hence it was a hit.
Bill J.
0 replies
too much guns and violence
Chathuka l.
Rating0 replies
part 2 will be
Pra H.
0 replies
Not good
Dun J.
0 replies
Never seen such a bad movie. Rubbish! Waste of time!
Balajee A.
0 replies
This is the problem when u try copy Hollywood movies but don’t understand what you are trying to prove!
Aaditeya D.
Rating1 replies
A beautiful and raw, artistic masterpiece that truly displays what the most primal elements in all humans are.
Deepanshu S.
0 replies
you sure you are watching the same movie ! maybe you got confused with some other :-D
Sumitha N.
0 replies
(Standing ovation)Wowzer!!!! What a movie! Intense tale of transforming son-father bonding. Not for everyone. Salute to both the Kapoors for stellar performance. And Bobby, looking real good. Hats off to the whole crew.
Roy S.
0 replies
Gatiya bc...
0 replies
What a Bakwas movie. Unnecessary hype
Srivatsan C.
0 replies
downlaoded from NETFLIX and uploaded here
Arnab B.
Rating0 replies
An abomination masquerading as a feature film
El T.
Rating0 replies
If you are watching it knowing its going to be a violent movie, and just watch it for the entertainment, its a freakin amazing movie. Put your feeling or try to connect with the characters too much and it becomes nasty and ugly and all that. Very enjoyable movie overall! (loved the ending scenes before directors card 🤣, but i don't think many of you even got halfway through the movie to have seen it looking at the comments.)
Shakil A.
Rating0 replies
worst movie ever wasted 3 hours of my life id rather be dead like his papa
Dino S.
Rating0 replies
Cinemas are fantasies. Its true that every human has animal instincts in them and it will come out for few people. Most of the gangsters know when they kill people. Normal folks won't know anything about it and give negative ratings saying that where were the cops, no logic, etc. Notorious mafias like Russian, Mexican gangsters were very cruel than what was depicted in this movie. I am sure that the director watched Q. Tarantino and M. Scorcese movies to get inspiration for this movie. Nevertheless this movie is not for this generation! 80s or 90s kids will appreciate this movie!
sylvester p.
Rating0 replies
36mins into this movie and I turned it off. Weird ass acting, never seen this lead actor before. Horrible dialogue. Cringe English. No storyline. Waste of braincells.
Keshav K.
Rating0 replies
Wow super movie impatient for the second one animal park
Mo S.
Rating0 replies
Unbelievably stupid movie ever. All involved must be ashamed of themselves for making such a trash.
Dimo A.
0 replies
wtf did I watch....the worst movie ever
Sumeet S.
0 replies
No story, mindless action….but Ranbir knows how to deliver an intense performance, especially when it comes at a price tag of Rs. 70 cr 😉
Dina S.
Rating1 replies
This movie can’t see with family too much violence storyline is not good. either
Istrate E.
Rating0 replies
Who the hell said it was a family movie???? Haven't you seen the trailer, didn't the title tell you anything?? Omg....*facepalm*
Gnanesh B.
Rating0 replies
worsttttttttttt ever movieee. thuuuuu
Tahir S.
Rating0 replies
time waste movie oh my god very heart touching
Deepanshu S.
0 replies
senseless scenes and senseless dialogs, totally over the top. More hype and less delivery. wasted my time watching it, but yes the songs are awesome ! Logic took a U Turn the moment movie started
Shankar K.
Rating0 replies
Not my taste. Too much violence. not worth watching.
Pranav A.
Rating0 replies
I managed to watch about 2 hrs of the movie and I just can't get myself to watch it any longer. It's just so devoid of everything that I can't even describe how pathetic it is. There's two hours of my life that I'll never get back. It's a cesspool of a movie. Cheers.
Khem A.
Rating0 replies
this movie is trash
Sud G.
0 replies
Sandeep missed writing in the script -the fact that we have law & order in India - he looked so promising with his debut Arjun Reddy ....
Raj S.
Rating0 replies
Such a crap movie.. Not even a single dialogue from hero makes sense.... alpha male, mannangatti.. Just because arjun reddy was raw, he went furthermore extreme to showcase his filthy mind. I bet his next movie would be BDSM or 50 shades of grey with indian flavour
jazz s.
Rating0 replies
Not for kids. But good perfomances from all actors and actresses.
Najeeba A.
Rating0 replies
worst movie of all time
John D.
Rating0 replies
Absolute crap!! Vanga ka bonga! No wonder today's public will make such movies a super hit by going and watching in Theater and making such movie makers and actors even rich! Thank god I didn't waste my money watching in theater, but I did waste my 3.20
Seyar W.
0 replies
Awful, promoted negative concept that will lead and encourage use of cigarette, hatered and crime.
Abhishek S.
Rating0 replies
I was waiting for this movie from past one month to be in Eintusan!
Roshan S.
Rating0 replies
chutiya movie with great acting
Najeb A.
0 replies
Honestly, I enjoyed this movie a lot. But the only problem i had with this movie it had one of too many 18+ scene, It was a good watch regardless. For me 3.5/5 over all.
Hemant J.
0 replies
Feel free to use my Einthusan Premium. Email: and my Password: Tmovies!
Lauren G.
Rating0 replies
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Carlos K.
0 replies
kabul g.
0 replies
Ranbir Kapoor was killed Bobby Deol in very coward ways with rings and knife he is very unzeal person
Tinks T.
Rating0 replies
I didn’t like it. Some vital scenes were just copied from Kill Bill and it also has flavors from The Godfather. Story is not sound , just a dad obsessed psychopath. Funny.
Jan S.
Rating0 replies
best of all time
Aya L.
0 replies
worst movie I've watched. What a waste of time.
Shareen S.
Rating0 replies
what a shitty movie, 3,5 hours long and boring and just stupid scenes. a total copy of John Wick the gun scenes.
0 replies
Ranbir alway good from uk Bangladesh fan of ranbir🥰🥰🥰🇧🇩🇧🇩
Surendra P.
Rating0 replies
Rubbish movie
chetan v.
Rating0 replies
big boring movie. made mockery of audience. rubbish
Narayan S.
Rating0 replies
What a rubbish movie. 🤮
Vijayalakshmi K.
Rating0 replies
Worst movie ever… it’s downright insulting women!! His fix this even get through censors 🤯🤮
Krish S.
Rating1 replies
Movie has its flaws, but considering the fact that Hollywood and many other film industries have came out with much more gruesome cinema this movie is a way for Bollywood to step out of its "masala" formula. I get the criticisms of this movie including violence, misogyny, and an all right "horrible" movie, but people don't get the fact that despite all of this Ranbir failed at the end. That is the big picture despite all of these "horrible" things everyone lost at the end, the revenge was unfutile. If your a big fan of cinema I suggest you watch the movie and be open and unbiased regarding it.
Vickie K.
0 replies
futile* not unfutile
Siddharth D.
0 replies
IDK how Indians hate this movie but love the most over-used sentimental, emotional movie with the same plot and everything.
Ashok B.
0 replies
what a shit show......very bad portrayal of women, manslaughter....One thing I wondered is where on Earth this is possible, like killing anyone you want anywhere, No POLICE, law...
Ben M.
0 replies
Shout out to all the mothers too. For me the papa worshipping started getting a bit cringy after a while, otherwise, the action made up for it. Lord Bobby was refreshing to see.
Vinod T.
Rating0 replies
Saw the movie Animal in Netflix over the weekend I felt they could have renamed it to “Kuch Bhi”. Ripped of formulas from John Wick for the bloody fight scenes, Kabir Sing for the MCP / hedonism and KGF for the surreal heroism. (All those movies I did enjoy watching). It was the bad direction, bad plot and bad story telling that made this film feel like such a poor rip off. Inappropriate soft porn scenes forcefully inserted, lot of unwarranted heroism made me wonder what were the director and writer smoking. The headache after watching this was resounding.
Bikesh S.
Rating0 replies
Actor's performance is top notch, direction is good and story is okay. The Father-Son angle can be felt by any south Asian men, those from other regions might not be able to connect..
Gaya H.
Rating0 replies
Unbelievably gruesome movie… waste of time
Monika K.
Rating0 replies
Too much violence, a weak storyline, misogyny, cheap language, and dialogues. The writer and director have tried hard to justify every act of violence, anger, and cheating with love for his father. What was the censor board doing? I fast-forwarded several fighting scenes, which is half of the movie. By showing so much of unnecessary killings and guns without a strong story the writer/director are somewhere trying to normalize such acts. I just wanted to understand why there was so much hype. I think their marketing team did a better job than the writer and director.
Bhavin M.
Rating0 replies
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Azhar K.
Rating0 replies
Surpassed Hollywood quality - no wonder it's already on Netflix
Sarah S.
0 replies
please upload Aankh Micholi movie
Lakshmi P.
Rating0 replies
Horrible. I think the director is some kinda psycho!!
Qasim A.
Rating0 replies
Rubbish.. Dont waste 3+ hours of your life on this piece of s*hit
Sowjanya T.
Rating0 replies
Worst, crap, disgusting, trash movie ever made with violence, misogyny, bad language, bloodshed, etc
Ashok R.
0 replies
Sexist movie
saravanan m.
0 replies
Ranbir Kapoor single handedly took this movie and next comes Rashmika.....else this movie is bull shit...what a performance by these both...
Koushik N.
Rating0 replies
superrrrubbish and disgusting,,,,,,,no words to comment ....please do not kindly watch
S. N.
Rating0 replies
very good film. something difference
Diluar H.
0 replies
Great 👍
Rahul N.
0 replies
Cult classic movie not for everyone
Rahul R.
Rating0 replies
Jobin J.
Rating0 replies
Cast was good and they all played their part well. However, I feel that the director needs psychiatric treatment.
Amit B.
0 replies
This movie should have been banned. Bull shit.. Not sure why this get so hype
. .
0 replies
Nizamdeen M.
Rating0 replies
Shows how son loves a father and performance of all have been good.
Nurah S.
0 replies
this is a horrible movie, with no proper plot just fuckery after fuckery LMAOOOOOOOOOO
Saiju G.
Rating0 replies
nice movie !!!
Solange N.
Rating0 replies
Wasted movie!!!
Ashvin P.
0 replies
Has anyone tried to play on Firestick using the Silk browser? It plays for about 5 min and then stops and it is for all movies. I am writing to support but there is no response(open 10 tickets). Many people complain that the payment was for life and then it changed for 3 years. I am OK with that but now I am worried about renewing for the next 3 years as support is not even responding to any tickets.
0 replies
this movie is pure crap, who want to know that ranbir kapoor crotch has a rash. UTTER RUBBISH
pappubhai b.
0 replies
5 friends, crates of Boston lager, filtered camel, tandooris/grilled chicken, chilly chicken, kabobs and a B movie! Perfect Friday Evening! This is that B movie that goes well, we had loads of laugh!!! F****** A!
Shirley J.
Rating0 replies
OMG!!! AWFUL TOO MUCH VIOLENCE ! Need better censorship! Youth should not watch !! No story
pixou r.
0 replies
Misaki R.
0 replies
Surprisingly it's good enough to kill time, the movie is good but one thing is rashmika and Ranbir had zero chemistry
Khem A.
Rating0 replies
trash Movie
Vickie K.
0 replies
With a different director, this could've been a great movie! The scenes are just too long yaar. Like why do we need a full 45 seconds of him walking in one direction, or shooting the same gun like 9 times in just 1 person. And there were lots of things missed, like saying there 14 bullets left but then firing over 20 times? Then what was the point of mentioning how many bullets were left if it didn't matter? Silly little mistakes went undetected idk how. Editors what were you doing? It takes the audience out of the story way too often
Nilofer D.
0 replies
Wat a waste of time!
0 replies
Nice movie. Superb acting by Ranbir, Not for soft hearted and Feminist
Elvis S.
0 replies
Most boring and flop movie ever
Draupadi T.
0 replies
Very boring. Too long. Avarage acting. Too much khichdi. I did not care for it
Naima B.
0 replies
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Carlos K.
0 replies
. .
0 replies
Nirmal A.
0 replies
Commercial unrealistic movie..extremely poor storyline..weird interpretation on romance..forced comedy that is not very funny...forced action scenes that are not realistic. Nothing bad about the actors, they can only perform with the storyline they have been given. If you want to watch a mindless movie to waste some time, this would be a good choice. Watch 12th fail instead which is a way higher quality movie.
abc x.
Rating0 replies
Same wohi gheesi peeti bakwaas bollywood ki ghatiya movie ... extremely down market and cheap class tamasha ... bandh karo ye low grade bollywood ki nautankiya ... time to kick effing bollywood out of India forever !!
Nikhil A.
0 replies
utter trash,,,,,
pare n.
Rating0 replies
What a movie. Very different than what I was expecting. Too much violence, adult language and smoking. Really too much. On the other hand acting by everyone is Super!!! Bobby Deol in his short time left a big mark on the audience. Rashmika... wow, Super acting.
Shyam J.
Rating0 replies
Such a horrible movie, no logic(a place where there is no police department). People kill others for fun. Honeymoon on a plane where actor/actress takes turn like they are riding an auto rickshaw.
Abdullah D.
0 replies
Bruh the line bar dosnt work I can’t go forward or rewind the movie wtf is this glitch
joe m.
0 replies
Waste of three hours
rah d.
0 replies
Actually i liked the movie even there is so much violance
Subhayon M.
Rating0 replies
wrost movie of the decade
0 replies
Worst than the worst movie. Only stand out was Rashmika's acting.
Danny D.
0 replies
Animal Movie Crew Drink masala Tee.
Harsha R.
Rating0 replies
horrible rubbish!!
Abraham S.
Rating0 replies
This was not a bad movie & neither awesome but it could have been made better for entertainment purposes.
Rating0 replies
It's a very worst movie. No logic, no sense. I don't know how some viewers like this movie?
Alex J.
Rating0 replies
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Bharat K.
0 replies
Don't waste time garbage movie.
oshi d.
0 replies
Im really sad to tell that einthusan site has become really poor in quality. It has happened recently. It doesn't allow us to fast forward or pause the movies. Please try to fix this up as this site was a mostly used one previously for good quality movie watching
reny t.
0 replies
Very bad
Olayinka T.
0 replies
VANGA you have made another horrible heinous movie!!! It does not deserve rating.
Muhammad A.
0 replies
Jasmin C.
0 replies
very bloody movie the part about the underwear was funny
Nimbu M.
Rating0 replies
The most ridiculous. trash movie I have seen. scenes and plots copied from Hollywood movies . Blew up car like in godfather , rescuing plane from hitting mountain like mission impossible , licking show from one of slavery movies and tried to include relationship elements from BDSm and threesome , and fighting scenes . Nothing original or enjoyable in this movie . You will be reminded or gruesome shots from other movies as you see this . Expensive sets and no story or ethics
Nimbu M.
Rating0 replies
I agree there is no logic in this movie . It doesn’t deserve a rating and should be censored for its excessive display of gruesome scenes . Looks like an AI robot put movie story line together - took all shocking elements that exist in existing movies and combined them all to make a movie that fits the criteria . God save us from Bollywood money making tactics .
Bubble S.
Rating0 replies
terrible movie :(
Peter J.
0 replies
yuck, what a piece of garbage. i want to spit at this movie. thew.
Jarnel S.
0 replies
Hadia H.
Rating0 replies
The Most time wasting and digusting movie I have ever watched in my life
Sonu N.
0 replies
quite badly made movie..
Mondesir M.
0 replies
too much blood but i did not get phased by that. The only part i did not understand is the guy who did plastic surgery to look like the protagonist. I officially say that all the characters have a twisted kind of love but weirdly i found myself looking to see if there was an animal 2 movie?
Myo M.
Rating0 replies
don't waste time watching this
Steve J.
0 replies
This guy ranbir is a legend in acting!! From the rockstar i ve been a fan of him!! Worth watching his mannerisms! Such a talented natural actor like mohanlal from malayalam!!👌😇
Aloo G.
Rating0 replies
The story and movie is extremely violent and gory. However, based on the story, Ranbir nailed his character. If you choose to watch this movie, watch it for his acting. Anil also did well for his roles. I really can't say much for the others. Ranbir has come along from his earlier acting days. No wonder he received the best actor of the year Filmfare award.
. .
Rating0 replies
This movie it's biggest turning point for Bollywood film industry. Great movie, I waiting for part 2
syeda s.
0 replies
what is this ...this movie is not good because this movie changing the youth mind in cause of this movie our all envirment are going with destoyed
Abbas K.
Rating0 replies
Rubbish. An unnecessary violet and gruesome movie. Not the way to increase the quality of Bollywood movies.
Shibani C.
Rating0 replies
absolute masala movie of bollywood, senseless nonsensical violence and just brain damaging, absolutely disgusting
Anand K.
0 replies
Worst movie ever made!
Maliha M.
Rating0 replies
sorry boring movie
Lk L.
Rating0 replies
What a ridiculous, terrible, waste of time movie. Having a passion for loving your father is great. I like the idea of that. there are better ways to fight your enemy and protect your family. Representing having sex outside of marriage as an excuse, violence, temper, anger, and cruelty, influencing to the audience is this is all cool is NOT ok. This is very much like Kabir Singh and Big Boss contestants' behaviors telling the audience that being egoist is cool, yelling is cool, anger is cool, gunda gardi is cool, mawalis is cool. This is not what Alpha men does. They play smart with dignity.
Samiha H.
Rating0 replies
Ranbir acted very well
Abbas K.
Rating0 replies
Dineshi D.
Rating0 replies
What a disturbing movie!
johan g.
0 replies
manh wtf is this comment section
Sunitha S.
1 replies
Dangerous toxic alpha male ego movie to glorify like an animal. Indians is not F*&%$^# up like the west yet...Vanga better make that fits our taste.
Sunitha S.
0 replies
Negative dangerous alpha male ego movie....
Hares M.
Rating0 replies
Andre P.
0 replies
To all the people who commented on the influence of this movie, how many turned Gandhi after watching movies on him or offered their right cheek for a smack after one was landed on the left !!!!
john s.
0 replies
meh , 4/10
Joe J.
Rating0 replies
Qamar H.
Rating0 replies
One of the worst movies I ever saw. When I was in cinema for Fighter (in Germany), someone told me, that Animal is one of the best movies, I finally saw it yesterday. Guys, dont waste your time, beside the overload of brutal killing, gore etc, there is no sense of a good storytelling. Toxic masculinity, sexism, narcissim everywhere. These kind of movies are trash and dont show the real Bollywood class acting. After so many years looking bollywood film I can finally say, that nowadays hyped movies are mostly 99% bullshit and will avoid in future.
Labibah B.
Rating0 replies
Truth being told, it is far by the worst films i have ever watched. The story doesn't even make sense, i mean the guy is obsessed with his dad. I watched half the movies and realized i don't even know what's going on in there, there are so many parts that don't connect together. Such as the scene where he kills his cousin Abrar, i mean they just fight and then boom, he kills the guy with the knife, what was the point of fighting then. Then he cheats on his wife and miss here is kissing him after a few minutes. Just wasted three precious hours of mine. But hey who am i to judge, right?
jonh d.
0 replies
very nice movie
Anna S.
0 replies
strasznie krwawy. ;-( nie spodziewałam sie tego. Ale jak zwykle Ranbir dobry.
Simran S.
0 replies
Total rubish movie. Don't know why they make such garbage.
Marouf R.
0 replies
vidhan m.
Rating0 replies
On par with Race 3. Straightforward story with no conflict or obstacles for the protagonist to overcome. The protagonist lives. kills villain. story ends. Violence and contrarian ideas had to be used only as a shock factor for the sake of controversy because the movie itself lacked substance. You need a negative IQ to enjoy this movie.
sofi s.
Rating0 replies
Thanks for rating!
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