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  • Rocketry: The Nambi Effect

    Must Watch



    East Indian aerospace engineer Nambi Narayanan faces charges of espionage.

    R. Madhavan


    Rajit Kapur

    Sam C. S.

    R. Madhavan



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Sydney, Australia

3 replies



First time, 1st comment


sonny N.

Westfield, United States

1 replies



This is a true feel-good story about patriotism, single-mindedness, focus, sacrifice etc., ...stuff we all aspire to, admire or applaud. Whereas, underdeveloped adult reviewers with their 1st, 2nd, 3rd...comments on this board aspire just the opposite. I guess to each his/her own :)


Shakopee, United States

0 replies



Shut up you talk too much is it a problem if you comment first


Colombo, Sri Lanka

0 replies



Wow! This is an awesome achievement! Don't mind these guys launch rockets to the moon. This is absolutely nothing compared to your First time, 1st comment mate 👍🏾


Mississauga, Canada

0 replies



Yaarukku thevai daa mayiru. Padathoda karuthu mattum sollu. Indha maari loosu koo thanama 1st , 2st nu solla koodaathu. Asingam ayidum paathuko daa Arun


Islington, United Kingdom

0 replies



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Singapore, Singapore

1 replies





Mississauga, Canada

1 replies



Nice congratulations!! Poi oombu...


Frankfurt am Main, Germany

0 replies





Wembley, United Kingdom

0 replies





Kiel, Germany

0 replies





Singapore, Singapore

0 replies





Everett, United States

0 replies





Neeha K.

Brooklyn, United States

0 replies





Manchester, United Kingdom

0 replies





Licques, France

0 replies



good movie to watch


Bremen, Germany

0 replies





Sydney, Australia

0 replies



excellent movie, feel good and nice story


Edogawa, Japan

2 replies



What a travesty to this man, his family, to Indian space program.. This man is a product of the college i went to, much later. On this note, ISRO's initiatives are just following what NASA is doing. I think they should rather compete on the Webb/Exo planets side of things too!


New York, United States

0 replies



Usully poorly funded and poor support is given to people as evidenced in the movie and shown by Nambi Sir


Venkat R.

Chicago, United States

0 replies



How good is this college now. Sure it lost its academic glory after the affirmative action%


Brent, United Kingdom

2 replies



A great story showcasing the trials and tribulations of Mr Nambi Narayanan. A story of how an innocent man was framed by external and possible internal forces for trying to make his country prosper. No one should have to ever endure what Nambi Narayanan did! And this is a great movie that educates people about the immense amount of work that Nambi Narayanan put into ISRO. Brought me to tears, this movie is a wonderful biopic.


Reston, United States

0 replies



very good review.. thank you


Los Angeles, United States

0 replies



You said it all. Ego and selfishness of a few men/nations hampered the development of an individual/organization/Nation!


Luxembourg, Luxembourg

0 replies



nice movie. must watch...


United Kingdom

0 replies



What a movie! I don't think you can watch the movie without tears in your eyes. What a legend Nambi! Great man!


Winnenden, Germany

0 replies



nice performance


Overland Park, United States

0 replies



One the must see movies of our times. It is extremely painful that Madhavan has to go through in getting the movie out, and it is indeed a national tribute, and make this movie tax free in India, and kids watch free or at subsidized tickets. This movie will not only tear your heart, but would also induce the deep anger but with sensitive style as not to make you go angry on anyone. It is a great movie, but if you think about what Nambi sir had to go thru, it's immense!


Kaiserslautern, Germany

5 replies



I left India because of pulling legs, lot of other factors and watching einthusan now. I want to live in peace and harmony. I dont want to take any more risk for me and my family. I say, India is better for a trip for a change but not to live.


Windhoek, Namibia

1 replies



I completely agree with you on this... India is still not a country that provides a good life for an intellectual.. If Nambi had taken the NASA offer and moved out of India,he would have been living in luxury and visiting India like a tourist and the Indians would have cherished him and made him a celebrity.. He might have guest lectured here and there in some institutions while he visits India..


Toronto, Canada

0 replies



The only problem is, that he could have been killed by his own nation during his period of time. It's honestly sad, as his era versus the era we live in today has changed so much as you can see how many CEO are purely Indian in North America like Sundar - Google CEO... Honestly, the accomplishment he made is just out of the world, like Suriya said in the interview, we only see these types of things in a movie, not in the real world. What Nambi went through, learned, explored, and accomplished, even we won't be able to get to this life.


Melbourne, Australia

0 replies



totally agree


jj s.

Berlin, Germany

0 replies



totally agreed. india is not for intellectuals


Glasgow, United Kingdom

0 replies



Is this true even after 2014 ???


Perth, Australia

0 replies



Yes, true. But if every one of us intellectuals leaves the country, India will be forever cursed to 'PULL LEGS'. Don't blame it just on India and governments and the 'big' people, every ordinary citizen like ourselves are the parts of a machine; each individual counts. The state of India is the fire, but we are the fuel.


Kaiserslautern, Germany

2 replies



Good work madhavan. I recently came to know more people surrendering their citizenship. Including me. I was a katta patriotic until one day i realized and left the country. Now I understand I took a good decision. Better luck next time India.


Scarborough, Canada

8 replies



You are barking at the wrong tree. CIA used Christian NGO stooges within indian IB (Intelligence Bureau) to suppress India's cryogenic efforts. Still they do every time India goes for Russian technology. In the case of Koodankulam nuclear powerplant in Tamil Nadu also CIA used Christian/NGOs to sabotage it.


Kaiserslautern, Germany

0 replies



i dont want to comment or I am not interested in political affairs. I am a middle class. Why should i worry. I live here happily.


Prague, Czechia

0 replies



@madhu s. this is precisely the problem with the middle class citizens of India. We are at a crossroads where are actions and inactions alike bear equal consequences. When the room is empty, all noise is registered much like when the foundation to something does not exist, each rock added to it makes irrefutable difference for the millions that are inevitably born after. For every act of injustice we bear and overcome, we set a precedent that makes the lives of our children easier, and for every inaction that much harder. We need to start somewhere, and escapism doesn't go far


Joe D.

Dallas, United States

0 replies



Its easy for us to talk from abroad and blame everything on Christian NGOs! I bet - you would not live in the vicinity of Koodangulam for one week!


Glasgow, United Kingdom

0 replies



@ bharathgopal please go back from christian nation.. Do manufacture more gurujis like nithi or jakki or patanjali babas.. all the best.. take next flight away from Christian world...


Glasgow, United Kingdom

0 replies



@Veethahavya K. please go back soon.. fix all the injustice..n turn all the rocks.. start from next flight..


Dinesh P.

Singapore, Singapore

0 replies



Get out of a Canada and come back to India


Austin, United States

0 replies



@bharathgopal - well said, sir!


Austin, United States

0 replies



@spalani s - who are you to order everyone to leave lol? I hope you alreday left india and very happy if thats the case..


Raj D.

Irvine, United States

0 replies



Better luck for what? I guess you think too high about yourself. Pipe down and come down to earth.


Dallas, United States

0 replies



Excellent movie, a must to watch. Hats off to Madhavan. No one should ever go thru what Nambi Narayanan sir went thru, you are a legend. Very patriotic movie, Jai Hind.


Ilford, United Kingdom

0 replies



We are united as a nation because such unimaginable people still live among us. Salute to Shri Nambi Narayanan Sir. Thank YOU for still having belief in such people who called you a traitor and attacked you and your family. India will always be indebted to you and your family forever Ayya!!! God Bless You & Your Family Always & Forever Nambi Sir...


Berg, Switzerland

0 replies



I hv never commented a movie but first time im commenting WERTH FULL FILM! JAI HIND🙏🏼



Framingham, United States

0 replies



Awesome Thank you


Edison, United States

0 replies



Hats off to Madhavan for the movie. Heartfelt salute to NAMBI Sir! you are inspirational!!!!


Scarborough, Canada

2 replies



CIA knew whom to target with their dirty and cheap tricks. Nambi was the golden goose.


Glasgow, United Kingdom

0 replies



please leave the christian nation..


Glasgow, United Kingdom

0 replies



police officer who arrested Sir was a hindu.. all those families & society stone pelted were hindus..


Tirana, Albania

0 replies



Very nice movie


Stockholm, Sweden

0 replies



Over build up! Keep it real 🤦🏼


Perth, Australia

0 replies



Such a great honourable scientist. Hats off to you sir. Madhavan you I’d a splendid performance.


Warsaw, Poland

0 replies



This is an amazing movie. It had some editing issues but amazing overall.


Bonn, Germany

1 replies



ISRO espionage case was a joint effort by CIA and shameless congress leaders including our ex defense minister, A K Antony


Glasgow, United Kingdom

0 replies



what was opposition bjp leaders doing then ??? busy stone pelting at Sirs house ???


Jersey City, United States

0 replies



Excellent movie.


Perth, Australia

0 replies






0 replies



Great movie Maddy ! If Nambi Sir went to NASA he would have been a great service to humanity he could’ve even helped India in every way being at nasa, funded scholarship to Indian students who wish educate at nasa & come back work at India; he being at Nasa would have been great help to India as well. India killed VIkas as well as sabotaged sir’s career and a future of scientific development for the humanity as whole he would discover many more thing being at US



0 replies



Great movie Maddy ! If Nambi Sir went to NASA he would have been a great service to humanity he could’ve even helped India in every way being at nasa, funded scholarship to Indian students who wish educate at nasa & come back work at India; he being at Nasa would have been great help to India as well. India killed VIkas as well as sabotaged sir’s career and a future of scientific development for the humanity as whole he would discover many more thing being at US


Melbourne, Australia

0 replies



You can't make a biopic better than this.Hats off to Madhavan for breaking all the conventional laws of making a biopic.Great inspiring movie


Skjetten, Norway

0 replies



Worth watching <3


Riverside, United States

0 replies



The great Nambi Narayanan, treated as a scum by the country he dedicated his whole career to. A thousand salutes to this man, a thousand apologies too from me on behalf of my idiot countrymen. In reality - people say don't get political, but lets try to be people with common sense. Imagine it was not a single person, but a whole system working against this person. Think why? why would a whole nexus of people try to sabotage our countries space program? Spreading like virus these people still live among us a i.e. this whole lot of saboteur, traitors and criminals.


Charlotte, United States

0 replies



Indian Congress government and Kerala Communist asshole governments got bribe from foreign countries and put India's space advancements on hold for a while.


Mountain Ash, United Kingdom

0 replies



Excellent!.. one of real story which stop a country progress, many may not framed very well to match the real, no division from the real story, climax is ultimate by showing real nambhi..


Albany, United States

0 replies



Scintillating movie.. will touch the heart of every one with patriotism for the country.. must watch for every youngster to fight for the country come what may.. truly inspirational.. his life also has immense management and life lessons to be successful.. should be a case study in management schools..


Surprise, United States

0 replies



Is congress regime responsible this patriotic scientist pain?


P R S.

Hamburg, Germany

0 replies



A must watch for every Indian especially young generation!!


Pooja r.

Prospect, United States

0 replies



This case went on for 26yrs unbelievable , hates off to Mr.Nambi Narayanan for this dedication !! Awesome biopic towards the end very emotional ..


Gothenburg, Sweden

0 replies



Please upload Hindi Version... waiting for it.


Plano, United States

0 replies



The movie can either be taken about Rocket Science or about the terrible things that Respected Mr.Nambi had to go through. Capturing every detail is impossible in a movie, cuz it might only be possible in a book or if this was a series. The first part of the movie was very technical, but probably needed to set the context. The 2nd part of the movie is where the atrocities on Mr.Nambi actually begin. The 2nd part was a tough watch! Good movie!


Fremont, United States

0 replies



Good movie


Toronto, Canada

0 replies



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Melbourne, Australia

0 replies



stop copying from Aazon Prime already watched it in Amazon Prime


Hamilton, New Zealand

0 replies



Not o miss movie because it is more than a movie in many ways


Auckland, New Zealand

0 replies



Good movie. By the way ,the then IB director who handled this case seems to have settled down in US. Is it true?


Moline, United States

1 replies



Excellent Movie. Madhavan you should get the Oscars and Indian Best Actor Award. You took the risk and spent the money to bring out a real life story and Kudos to Mr. Nambi Narayanan. What an outstanding Scientist and also an extraordinary brain. People leave country to come to USA and here this man stood there for his country. 90% of Indians have no Patriotism they are selfish and want to just make more money and come here to USA.


Raj D.

Irvine, United States

0 replies



1. What are you? 2. So basically only 10% of Indians live in India according to you? 3. Patriotism is a feeling whereas money isn't 4. Just for the sake of posting don't post a foolish comment


Moline, United States

0 replies



Now, you understand why no other countries can outshine because USA will never let anyone else come up in life. This is the same when you live in USA. Very rare breeds like Satya Nadella, Sundar Pichai and others have shined because of their mentors. Not because some other common white guy wanted to put them in that place. I have faced discrimination, put down at my Job and surviving for 23 years cause have no choice.


melwin d.

Muscat, Oman

0 replies



the movie is getting stuck


Moline, United States

0 replies



I saw some people coming out of theatre and giving a review about this movie as this not a commercial movie. Something about satellite, something about this that. Please, do you all know the value of such kind of movies in Indian Cinema? What people are these? They only want this crappy songs, fight. This is the kind of movies that we should watch. Madhavan hats off to you sir. I give kudos to you. I would love to meet you if you happen to read this.


Plano, United States

3 replies



I see most of the comments are for the real person who went through tough time. I respect that. My comment is on the movie story play and direction which could have been better. At one point the TV crew and interviewer were emotional but I the audience was not! Meaning the director missed to connect us with the story well.


Moline, United States

0 replies



Unless you are not understanding the emotions and the real feel for it. Anyone who really knew what they were watching would have cried. As a man I literally cried with the entire movie. When Madhavan meets Unni that was the ultimate scene. I hope you watch it again and understand it madam.


Reston, United States

0 replies



you are correct and many of them are paid comments. Same with Amazon revies. They won't even publish if your comment doesn't have 5 stars


Raj D.

Irvine, United States

0 replies



You are right


Birmingham, United Kingdom

0 replies



should applaud Madhavan for making this effort, as many people would not have known this tragedy to a great scientist who sacrificed so much for his country


Moline, United States

0 replies



All should read this


Moline, United States

0 replies



The Democratic US Presidential candidate Joe Biden wants us to believe that he is a close friend of India. Is he? A 1992 Los Angeles Times report suggests otherwise. Back then, Joe Biden turned out to be the biggest saboteur of India’s ambitious space programme. In the 1990s, India was looking to get the Cryogenic technology from the Russian Space Agency, Glavkosmos, at $250 million, which would have played an important role in missions involving heavy satellites going deeper into Space.


Moline, United States

0 replies



However, the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee imposed a condition on the $24 billion international assistance that the US was providing to Moscow. The Senate Committee voted to block further American aid to Russia if Moscow went ahead with the $250 million deal with India. The man who moved the amendment in US aid to Russia was Joe Biden himself. Russia, which was passing through a deep economic crisis, following the Soviet breakup at the time, had to comply with the US Senate’s amendment.


Moline, United States

0 replies



Joe Biden pulled back India’s Space programme by several years if not decades. He had even called Indo-Russia agreement for the supply of two cryogenic engines to India ‘dangerous’. Biden had then said, “I am confident that the Russian leaders will recognize the wisdom of stopping this sale once they see the risk of losing their economic aid.” He had added, “this is no minor sale; this is dangerous.


Moline, United States

0 replies



INDIA'S CRYOGENIC ENGINE & A US SENATOR Back in the 90s, US, to take control of Russia, proposed a $24 Billion aid package to Russia. Russia was in dire straits. At around the same time, India was trying to get Cryogenic Engines from Russia. The value of the deal? $250 million. Ultimately, the US allowed Moscow to supply seven Cryogenic engines to India.


Moline, United States

0 replies



But no technology transfer was allowed thereby impairing India’s ambitious Space mission. India faced hurdles in developing the Cryogenic technology that involves handling fuel at low temperatures to give the extra thrust required for a rocket to carry heavy satellites into longer distances. And what was the excuse behind denying the transfer of Cryogenic technology to India? It was argued that the sale was not in line with the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), which is supposed to prevent the proliferation of missiles.


Moline, United States

0 replies



But neither Russia nor India was an MTCR member. Also, cryogenic engines are not considered capable of being used in long-range missiles like the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). The fact remains that the Biden-led attempt to deny Cryogenics to India had no missile angle. It was sheer geopolitical manipulation on the part of the Democrats at the time. Joe Biden tried sabotaging the Space programme of a democratic nation like India, only because he wanted to lead pro-Pakistan sentiments within the US administration at that time.


Moline, United States

0 replies



28 years hence, the US realises that Biden’s attempts have cost it heavily. Pakistan was backstabbing the US even when the likes of Biden were pushing Washington closer to Islamabad while India emerged as a major democratic-ally for the White House in the region. India couldn’t have advanced from its main launch vehicle- the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) to the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) that is supposed to carry payloads of around 4 to 5 tons.


Gainesville, United States

0 replies



Such a well made movie! Thanks to Madhavan for making this movie and bringing the life story of such a scientist to the world. Directing this movie, he has proved he is not only talented in acting but also in directing.


Jai M.

Sydney, Australia

0 replies



What a great movie, thanks Madhavan for making us proud by giving this movie.


San Jose, United States

0 replies



Kudos to Madhavan for his performance in this movie. Nambi Narayanan's story portrays his patriotism, the will to put India on the map and the sacrifices he made are al portrayed and acted so well. I give a thumbs up!


Raja A.

Muscat, Oman

0 replies



must watch


Piscataway, United States

0 replies



Great Movie and Thanks to madhavan Its irony that none from ISRO/PMO Office / Bosses from ISRO his so called friends at top level didn't Voice out to Media/Public . who instigated the Kerala police inspector and who was the Brain behind creating false case and thereby stopping Nambi from achieving his dreams is yet to be KNOWN Why did that Inspector used Maldivian citizen to Frame Nambi on false charge, How was an inpsctator aware of Nambi's work in ISRO and who leaked those secrets


Liberty Hill, United States

0 replies



Such a good movie it is! Shows patriotism, intelligence. betrayal, trust and love. Thanks to Maddy for directing this.


Reston, United States

2 replies



Did anyone review this movie in Amazon with less than 5 stars? they wouldn't publish my 3 star rating. May be their review board is compromised and hell bent on getting a national award for this movie. Acting is over dramatic and could have been better


Reston, United States

0 replies



I would recommend watching the Courier movie, if you like this genre


Burlington, Canada

0 replies



Indeed overdramatic. Thanks to point it out. Also, I stopped watching after the Unni incident.


Ilford, United Kingdom

1 replies



one of the best biopic ever seen. hats off to Madavan taken such a huge risk in making the movie beyond successful. as a matter of fact it is our Modi Ji government to find the culprits who involved in the conspiracy of our greatest scientist Dr Nambi Narayan, I believe soon the world will come to know the actual culprits. "Oil and Truth always stand above"


Moline, United States

1 replies



Modi is busy with his own success, I do not think so he cares for a good man's success or the movies success. As long as we have people who are patriotic like this, our country can achieve it. I wish, I had my ducks straight and I would have done things that would be great for my country.


New York, United States

0 replies



in this case that is not true;


Tampines New Town, Singapore

0 replies



loved it. but very sad to know its origin. good feel movie. the science part very well covered. excellent acting


Newport, United Kingdom

0 replies



Beautifully crafted movie of a truly great Mr Nambi Narayan enacted superbly by our very own Maddy with such conviction & style! A must watch for all🙏


Newport, United Kingdom

0 replies





Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom

1 replies



Thankfully not an Indian from India. They treat their own like shit.


New York, United States

0 replies



very unfortunate, things are getting worse with everybody buying chinese made products and being tracked


Naveen N.

Rahway, United States

0 replies



Brilliant movie making. Bharatham is built upon such great heroes. We need to learn and celebrate such true heroes.


Lewisville, United States

0 replies



Well done Madhavan!


Toronto, Canada

0 replies



Rocketry - Very good Movie. Hi @Einthusan Tamil Can you please Upload the Tamil Version of Movie - "POLICE STORY (1996)" Originally its Kannada movie and it was dubbed in Tamil. Acted by Saikumar. Blockbuster Hit movie I heard at that time even as a dubbed movie in Tamil. Thanks.


New York, United States

0 replies



moral of the story people are good, governments and organizations can be bought by foerign country and can win over patriotiscm


Birmingham, United States

0 replies



What a brilliant portrayal by Madhavan. Amazing adaptation of a real-life story.


Priveena B.

Perth, Australia

0 replies



best in recent times


Houston, United States

0 replies



awesome performance by MADHAVAN


Cumming, United States

0 replies



moral ...stil lotof peoplewant to contribute for country ....motivation 4 youth


Raj D.

Irvine, United States

0 replies



There is no emotional connect. While the real Mr. Narayanan would've gone through several hardships along the years, IMO the movie as such doesn't do justice to what he underwent.


abcdef ..

Troy, United States

0 replies


-0 watch this movie. red tapism and the pull-you-down-crab attitude that we have.


Newham, United Kingdom

0 replies





Hunenberg, Switzerland

0 replies



Wonderful this is.... i have no words to say.


Subra S.

Chicago, United States

0 replies



Feel-good story about patriotism, single-mindedness, focus, sacrifice combined with good acting. If you want to feel good skip the 30 mins of the last part, go 5 mins before the ending


New Brunswick, United States

0 replies





Colombo, Sri Lanka

0 replies



Super. Nambi Narayanan Sir is the real hero


Charlestown, United States

0 replies



What a great tribute to Nambi Narayanan! Madhavan and the crew did a wonderful job!


Prosper, United States

0 replies



Excellent Movie !! Must Watch to understand that life is not easy even if you are an extraordinary person. Anything is possible for a man who is not ready to go against the law. Madhavan has done a wonderful job and that too in his first direction. Well done Team !!!


Cary, United States

0 replies



I don't think it deserves the kudos its getting just for its excessive jingoist content. The movie is badly edited and overly sentimentally dramatized and biased just to get the claps from semi urban Indian middle class. Kudos to Mr Nambi for all what he did for India, you deserve more Sir!! but I am really sorry for Simran and Madhavan. This was total bad job.


Singapore, Singapore

0 replies



Good to see the struggle and however he never gave up. Amazing Man. Thanks to Madhavan to bring this to us. Inspiration and sad too.


Padma S.

Independence, United States

0 replies



Excellent movie!!! Madhavan Thsnk you for giving us an inspiring movie! Hats off to you !


Ram G.

Charlotte, United States

0 replies



Scene from the class room at Princeton fluid mech class (at time 00:18:15 in to the film) Prof: Fluid Flows. Now, this is what we will be discussing today. This behavioral pattern inside the shock tube is due to the upstream flow of fluid Nambi: downstream sir Prof: Excuse me Nambi: this behavior pattern is only possible when the fluid is flowing downstream in the shock tube .. Prof: Great uh now we and Asher Shapiro have to learn from an Indian rookie Now Nambi says the fluid is flowing downstream in the shock tube. This is wrong. What is traveling downstream is the expansion wave.


Billerica, United States

0 replies



very good movie


Fulham, United Kingdom

0 replies



Great effort and performance by Madhavan to bring out how foreign interference/control continues despite independence to thwart India's progress. A realistic portrayal of the events which are soul searching.


Menomonee Falls, United States

0 replies



Very touching movie, amazing. Enjoyed :)


Bharathi V.

Sydney, Australia

0 replies



Salute to Nambi Sir ! and for Madhavan bringing such real life and unsung heroes / stories to life again. We need more of these. My first comment in einthusan !


Melbourne, Australia

0 replies



Brilliant effort by Mr Mathavan to bring the beautiful documented movie. It is because of the movie, we come to know this greatest man, Nambi Narayanan. Sad that whoever caused the trauma wasn't caught or punished. Hope Mr Mathavan can make another follow up movie with details which he couldn't due to the time factor. Congratulations to all the people involved in this movie making. Heartfelt sorry for Mr Nambi Narayanan & his family. What more can I say except being ashamed of the people


Singapore, Singapore

0 replies



A Great movie directed by Maddy and salute. Jai Hind


Reading, United Kingdom

0 replies



Such a great movie.


Adelaide, Australia

0 replies



Great movie, was very satisfied to have watched a movie with such fine details to the real characters. Madhavan as always is a true professional and fine actor.


Stockholm, Sweden

0 replies



Please provide in Hindi also


Chandler, United States

0 replies



Excellent movie must watch once


Chandler, United States

0 replies



excellent movie


Gopinath K.

Singapore, Singapore

0 replies



im premium


San Jose, United States

0 replies



Well written, directed and played by Madhavan. One of the best movies of 2022. No nonsense. This movie is honoring a scientist who was deliberately sabotaged by the crooks. India is leading the space research. I remember a cartoon that the New York Times published to ridicule Indian Space Program when it announced the Mission to Mars. The guy with cow knocking the doors of Elite Club...Shame on you New York Times!


Shinjuku, Japan

0 replies



It is not loading.... 1 hour I have been trying!!


Little Elm, United States

0 replies



Movie isn't loading.


Arlington, United States

0 replies



Alternate reality - if he had worked for NASA his life would have been of fame, honor, and abundance of everything a person can want to have a glorious life. He chose patriotism, the country's handicap of being its own sword to stop the progress of its best people thru baseless allegations imposed by noncredible people, and the society adopting that without questions has hindered India's progress to become a great country


Singapore, Singapore

0 replies



Very good movie .. it feels so disheartening and sorry for this great scientist to undergo so much trouble. I only wish if Mr. Nambi would have been awarded the Padma Bhushan by our late president Mr. Kalam... then this would have been such an amazing thing to watch.


Kajal a.

Marietta, United States

0 replies



junk and boring movie



0 replies





Kleve, Germany

0 replies



upload in hindi as well please


Perth, Australia

0 replies



worstu. mokka padam. madhavan kaevalama nadichchirukkan. dialogue saikkala. don't waste your time.


Santa Clara, United States

0 replies



This is real Nambi story and its kind like sad and it pretty good movie


Austin, United States

0 replies



Jai Hind!! Very happy to see this movie - very patriotic..


Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

0 replies



how to change language


Gampaha, Sri Lanka

0 replies




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