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Razakar: The Silent Genocide of Hyderabad
Revolves around the Hyderabad Liberation Movement of 1948. Capture the struggles of Telangana and its people in the early days of Independence to reclaim their religion and identity in the face of military and political oppression.
Raj Arun
Bobby Simha
Anasuya Bharadwaj
Makrand Deshpande
Keshav Deepak
Bheems Ceciroleo
Yata Satyanarayana
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Green H.
0 replies
WOW! Just wow! What a great movie. History of Hyderabad and the bruutal forced conversions by the jiihadists who call themselves Nizam.
Partha S.
Rating0 replies
showing of the untold bad history of hyderabad.
Partha S.
Rating0 replies
Jaihind, thanks to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel for his consistent and diplomatic solution.
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