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Must Watch2023Telugu
Junior lawyer Ravindra is a goof whom no one seems to take seriously. But there's more to him beneath the surface.
Ravi Teja
Megha Akash
Anu Emmanuel
Sudheer Varma
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Ganesha S.
Rating0 replies
ok ok movie
aryan k.
0 replies
useless movie
Rosa L.
Rating2 replies
What a disgusting movie. And that too glorifying a devil. Raviteja sinks to new lows everyday.
Cabdi Q.
0 replies
I couldn't even get through half of this garbage lol. This is the first Raviteja movie I disliked.
Nishanth L.
0 replies
Mythologically speaking, Without Ravana, there is no Ramayan. BTW, Watch a movie for what it is. God and devil are fictional and man made.
Sharon B.
0 replies
movie w.
Rating0 replies
pakka commercial movie.
Mukund c.
0 replies
absolutely good plot twist by mass maharaja
Fang L.
0 replies
P_Square ..
Rating0 replies
Just OK movie if you have patience to see the movie till end.
ravi c.
0 replies
useless movie-i did not expected Raviteja will act produce such ugly movie
Raj D.
Rating0 replies
Ravi Teja's last few movies are below average, including this one.
The 7 colors K.
0 replies
Not bad, worth a watch
Ravi C.
Rating0 replies
Starts as a goofy comedian, becomes a Criminal, followed by an absolutely disgusting psychopath and then hula la la ... Movie keeps you engaged especially if you like crime and murders. Leave your logic aside and get entertained.
Raj K.
Rating0 replies
Good movie. Different from routine. Remember, Ravana was very good, until he kidnapped Sita. Everyone has goodness inside them in some form. There are lot of people in this world who does crimes in the dark but in society has a good name.
shanthi a.
Rating0 replies
I think it is a well done movie. Yes, things are unrealistic, like most Indian movies. But it is definitely a good entertainer. Always liked Ravi Teja's acting skills in many types of roles. This was unique.
. .
0 replies
Dumb plot twist will excit people who like dumb stuff. Story is rubbish.
Amit K.
0 replies
Mass Maharaja!! This is not inception or Tenet, so just enjoy without overthinking
. .
0 replies
only in q backward country where they drink cowpiss and kill humans for the sake of a cow is this normal. old uncle acting with kids his childrens age, rapist india stil the same even after the british tried to teach them humanity
Suresh R.
Rating0 replies
Good movie worth
Krishna D.
1 replies
What killed this movie at the box office were the graphic scenes. However, it was an engaging movie with great cinematography and solid performance from Ravi Teja. It isn’t until the third act when we learn Ravi Teja’s character motivation, but unfortunately many people understandably quit the movie due to the graphic scenes I mentioned. I hope this team of film makers continue to make movies, but with more sensitivity to Indian’s sentiments
Nishanth L.
0 replies
There are more graphic scenes than this in many other hit movies.
Nishanth L.
0 replies
The story is okay, but it has a racy screenplay. Not sure why this failed financially.
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