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ACP Kiran defies the rules and follows her instincts, only to find the system dismisses her intuition. Despite this, she navigates complex and intriguing situations, uncovering unusual answers to ordinary questions.
Payal Rajput
Maanas Nagulapalli
Rajeev Kanakala
Chakrapani Ananda
Mahati Swara Sagar
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Naveen K.
Rating0 replies
Good movie. thanks for uploading.
xavier y.
Rating0 replies
good movies`
swap s.
1 replies
I think something is wrong with your videos right side we are seeing some lines throughout the movie. We are seeing this in other movies too.
Sathish k.
0 replies
Is it in the projector? If so, then try to adjust the screen size.
Ramesh P.
Rating0 replies
Nice story with good screenplay
Devikarani Y.
0 replies
nice movie....mindset towards women should change....
Harsha K.
Rating0 replies
USELESS MOVIE - main problem- Heroin over action
Pranali U.
1 replies
Its almost as bad as the educational movies they showed at schoolor the harassment aka workplace culture videos shown as a part of compliance at workplaces - the script and dialogues were considered unnecessary
Pranali U.
0 replies
Short of asking to bring in their own writers or leaving the movie, the actors can only do so much with what they had
chandra g.
Rating0 replies
Movie is nice and worth watching . MINDSET OF WOMEN ALSO MUST CHANGE.Where as some jobs preffer or require man power only such as encountering /dealing hard core criminals, army fighting at borders etc etc. , if woman are kept out ,they must not feel they are discriminated.
Surya C.
Rating0 replies
Felt little slow at a point but totally worth it. Good movie!!!
. .
0 replies
Chetta movie. time bokka.
Ravi C.
Rating0 replies
Psycho!! A bit too much dramatization. Should have shown police in better light.
Tharindu L.
Rating0 replies
Waste of time. I lost interest in just 6 minutes
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