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Must Watch2020Hindi
A woman reevaluates her marriage after her husband slaps her in the face in front of a group of people at a party.
Taapsee Pannu
Pavail Gulati
Maya Sarao
Geetika Vidya
Anurag Saikia
Anubhav Sinha
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Abdul R.
Rating3 replies
It's very nice movie
Raj H.
Rating10 replies
worst movie
Joe J.
Rating0 replies
Raj slaps his wife ..and Raj does not like this movie. Raj will never let his wife watch this movie
Rohan G.
Rating0 replies
Joe it shows your cheap mentality
Bushra H.
Rating0 replies
If I ever come across Raj H in Leeds best believe I will file a case and incase you have children involved I would get social services to check up on them!
Grace.Kutty N.
Rating0 replies
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
Very well identified Raj H. This is the worst movie on face of earth :) Some poor souls are getting false satisfaction to overcome thier personal issues by supporting these kind of movies.creep.
Shifani S.
Rating0 replies
I am judging you Raj
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
Shame on you Shifani S
Aisha K.
0 replies
wish people like you would get deported from australia
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
Wish ppl like you gets deported from planet Earth :)
shsen s.
Rating0 replies
all raj said was that is was a bad movie. all of you saying he's a bad husband are idiots. u have 0 logical reasons to think that. Im excited to watch this movie, I haven't yet. I think I wont agree with raj about it being the "worst movie" but I have enough common sense to just dislike his comment and not using inductive thinking to assume raj is an abuser. raj has a right to an opinion.
Vishwas S.
Rating1 replies
There is no doubt this is worst movie, see reviews for yourself and box office reports says its utter flop film. So movie supporters relax and time for self introspect :)
Gurleen K.
0 replies
introspection with this kind of content ? hahahaha
Vishwas S.
Rating5 replies
Well said, we should not support these kind of agenda based and fake feminism, Some poor souls here are living in false world filled with self ego and bullshit in thier brain, and some guys supporting them thinks they are liberal and feminsits.. disgusting.. This movie should have been banned literally this doesnt deserve single view
Nataasha S.
0 replies
Mate u need to watch that mouth and what comes out of it otherwise u might trip and fall into a very ugly hole. Fake feminism? Every male that has ever existed, biologically would have been impossible without a woman. Bird brains like you wouldnt have even existed if ur mother knew u would turn out to be such a shit minded , bigoted person. Watch it , hope the women in your life see this post and teach you a lesson or worse leave you because people like you deserve it.
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
watch yourself, who made you judge, dont act like too smart, you self centered disgusting creep. people like you are the reason for all the shit happening in the name of pseudo feminism. Shitty brains like you need treatment .. poor soul. Hope you already screwed up your life or verge of doing it, disgusting fellow. Both male and female are equally important in nature, people like you peddling the pseudo feminism agenda disgusts society.
Nataasha S.
0 replies
Wahhh Wahhhhh someone needs a wambulance because their little bitch ego got hurt awww...... just a waste of oxygen really hahahhaha
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
Waste of Space on planet Earth for ppl like you, you tiny shitty brains cant comprehend the truth. You live in your pseudo feminist world, time for you to leave this world and live in ur pseudo shitty fantasy world.
chetan v.
Rating0 replies
i understand the movie is not entertaining. just imagine if your partner slap you in a party like this.
neo n.
Rating4 replies
next movie: chillana.. In that movie, a husband speaks loudly to his owner, err, i mean "wife". This leads to a complaint with the NCW & Human Rights, Amnesty International. UN instructs Indian govt to take immediate action. Police arrest and in an unfortunate twist the husbands tries to attack the police officers and all 4 husbands are shot & killed (Telengana police inspired) by police in self-defence. Meanwhile, people cheer loudly for the justice done by police.
nagavardhan V.
1 replies
Amazing plot!! Can you please share the story reference (Telengana police inspired) ? This movie is actually inspired the ABC show - the slap - [ ].
neo n.
Rating0 replies
hi naga. The "plot" is in jest. The telengana police was in reference to the brutal, planned, state-sponsored murder of 4 accused persons executed flawlessly by the police AND this was welcomed by quite a lot of the public. It is not related to slapping, though. The accused were allegedly rapists + murderers. But, if u think really hard: a slap is actually worse than rape & murder - so, ppl lyk avunab sanhi may justify judicial-killing of these suspects too. Again: only kidding.
Swati G.
Rating2 replies
Are you in dispute with physical and verbal abuse of women can fight against men in court? are you living in primitive uncultured society? The word you used "owner" for a women is unacceptable.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Swait G, I used "owner" NOT to describe "woman". Read the comment again. Its for "wife". Like i said, it's a comment in jest, only kidding. Anyhoo: in a relationship both persons IMHO do "own" each other. Not like a slave is owned, but like a mother "owns" her child. It's all in your perspective, Swati G. Your judgemental-rhetorical questions abt me based few comments showcases more about yourself IMHO. Best wishes to u in San Jose, CA. Stay Home, Stay Safe. Cheers !
Bert D.
0 replies
Goes without saying, something you can take a bigot out of bigotry, but you can take bigotry out of the bigot :)
neo n.
Rating1 replies
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Maisha B.
0 replies
what does cancer have to do with anything?
sadek h.
Rating0 replies
haha awesome said!
Roshan S.
Rating1 replies
Taapsee is always awesome. good movie.
Raj H.
Rating5 replies
Worst movie with wrong message
Bushra H.
Rating0 replies
Lol you're just worried your wife or future one will get inspired and dumb your ass haha enjoy future divorve
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
Bushra H I am sure you are already getting beating or in verge of divorce or already got one, so you are talking like this? Everyone has right to like or dislike the movie , shame on you to comment like this. This movie is definitely worst movie with agenda for people like you. See from wide perspective not with your narrow mind.
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
Bushra I pity you :)
Naresh L.
Rating0 replies
Can you explain your comment.
Nishat _.
0 replies
So sad to see you stuck in the 15th century. So listen up you ancient artifact, I get that your sad that you can't get women to be your slave anymore but please look around and see no one really cares what your pathetic sexist ass has to say :( I feel bad for your parents, specially your mother, she wasn't able to raise a decent man. I guess thats what happens when kids don't have good parenting.
Ravi R.
1 replies
Excellent movie! Must see!
Raj H.
Rating3 replies
Worst movie with wrong message
Arian H.
Rating0 replies
can you elaborate "the wrong message"?
Shankar G.
Rating0 replies
Says a lot about you Raj H. Wrong message that a servant maid's husband beats her up! Wow, you are a disgrace to humans.
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
Get a life Shankar, shows lot about your mentality
Harry P.
Rating13 replies
senseless movie, giving wrong message to women.
pratyasha g.
Rating0 replies
It's not a message only to women. Message to men as well. And a right one at that!
Ravi S.
4 replies
Please, I advice you not to post any reviews on any social blogs. People like you are the very reason why men are considered as a disgraced race. Its unfortunate, I am sorry and feel bad for you that you are intellectually challenged and cant understand such a simple thing that you have no right to disrespect women. I am sure that if a women would have slapped you at a public with no iota of regret then you would have run to a lawyer and seek divorce. Sleep on it!
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Ravi S, i especially loved how the director highlighted the value of marriage counselling & mental-health support. BTW, i also love you were absolutely open-minded, liberal and completely non-judgemental about Harry P based on his 1 line comment. May I also commend you for being the flag-bearer of the new, woke-liberal population who would lap up anything fed to them by "entertainers" with scant regard for data, facts, precedent, and other such inanities. I bow to thee - oh enlightened one.
Rating0 replies
People who seek only love also should be prepared to face hate. This is called as ego. Both men and women are egoistic. Marriage or any relationship should not be looked through our ego. If we did, it would lead to disappointment, breakups, heartbreaks, broken homes, single mothers, divided family. 50% of marriages end up in divorce in the west. Do you know why? They look at marriage as a contract. But marriage is a commitment. But having said that chronic wife bashers should be divorced or punished. (like that servant maid's husband)
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
Worst movie with wrong message
Bert D.
0 replies
You have a couple of gaslighters on here, who have mommie issues ;). Easier to ignore these wanna bes :)
Khushi S.
Rating0 replies
Damn, you're the one who's senseless.
Nitya R.
0 replies
Do the world a favour, don't procreate.
Rittika B.
4 replies
This movie is for men like you, you are disgracing all of us. Go watch your Salman khan's nonsense & Karan johar bullshit. Dimag mei tatti bhara hai toh art ki pehcghan kya hoga?
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
Rittika B People like you with bullshit in head and ego spoil families. relation is all about patience and understanding. Dont bullshit your false feminism agenda
Vikas B.
Rating0 replies
agreed with raj h. Don't be so femenist. That speaks of your character. That means our mind isn't full of bullshit it may be yours. this movie is meant for you.
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
Ritika I dont think this movie is right in any way. With this kind of messages families will fall apart, Nowdays there is propaganda spread in society in name of feminism, we should not support these kind of movies
Nishat _.
0 replies
Oh no poor Raj, Vikas, and Vishwas. My advice, don't be so stupid and sexist. Says a lot about your character and upbringing... Really hurts to see mothers failing at parenting boys this bad that they start to assume they're superior to women lmaooo please, humble yourself. Now go do something with your life instead of fearing women becoming to strong for you to control lol
Abbas K.
Rating0 replies
What rubbish. Are you a troll?
less is m.
0 replies
i don't know of anyone these days who wouldn't think of divorce after a slap these days. seriously, it must have been the women of previous generation who tolerated nonsense.
Raj H.
Rating1 replies
well said, Worst movie with wrong message
Abha D.
0 replies
if ur wife accidentally, angrily slaps u in public, bcuz she has pressure at work, how would u react? would u still save ur house? She is a wife, I assume, she is not allowed to do it only men can. and wife's have to tolerate it for the name of keeping the house together.
Joe J.
Rating0 replies
scared you right, exactly the purpose ;)
Shankar G.
Rating1 replies
Only a wife beater will think that this is a wrong message.
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
Get a life Shankar, dont judge people, everyone have right to thier opinion about a movie. Its true this movie is spreading wrong message to society, people like you fall for thsi propaganda in name of pseudo feminism
cam t.
0 replies
That is how this bollywood sells the movies, by making audience uselessly emotional :)
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
very true, no families are perfect. with this kind of messages families will fall apart, Nowdays there is propaganda spread in society in name of feminism, we should not support these kind of movies
Achheyta M.
0 replies
it all depend upon how we take the message, that is in a good way or a bad sense...
neo n.
Rating4 replies
after wasting 2+ hrs: Men R ALL BAD. Men ALL do not DESERVE wahmen. Men ALL need to profusely apologize 2 wahmen for eternity. Guess what - No self-respecting human (man or woman) will EVER slap any one (not woman, not man, not child). Currently a vast majority of men & women do NOT buy into this garbage. However, thanks to nincompoops like this director, this garbage is actually being taken seriously. Mark this comment. In the future family-structure will be annihilated. And all thanks to morons lyk abunav sniha. ||| <<-->>||| MGTOW FTW.
Saji T.
Rating1 replies
What the hell is your problem dude? It's just a frikkin' commercial movie.. Like it or walk away. You don't need to keep providing such highfalutin dissertations and provide social commentary like this is now embedded into the Indian constitution and you're now forced to abide by it. Chill..
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Saji, if u ever hv a grand-kid, u will know wat my problem is. U & ur parents probably had both mom + dad as fmly when growing up. Current gen, some kids hv jz 1-parent (mostly, only mom, no dad). In 2 or 3 gens, lots of kids will hv only 1-parent. Google 2 c impact of 1-parent household on teen crime-rate among black kids in US. Family-structure (first joint-fmly, now "nuclear"-fmly) is being destroyed. It is not gud 4 human-race. Anyhoo: it's jz a frikkin' comment. Read it or walk away. U don't need to respond.
Sameer G.
1 replies
Quite obvious that you weren't raised right.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Sameer G, quite obvious u were raised appropriately to pass judgement on strangers' upbringing based on a few comments.
Rittika B.
2 replies
Tere ko kya Karan johar ne bheja to propogate shitty movie, idiots don't uderstand art, gow watch Arjun Kappoor & be happy. Coz that's your taste.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Ritika B, love how u were able to distribute gyan & advise based on nothing but few comments. Amazing. U remind me of LW & RW folks on twitter who live by the credo: if u r not with us, u r against us. Life is much more nuanced, much more complex. There is no "binary" switch like black or white. This movie tries to whitewash the nuances & portrays an extremely prejudiced black-n-white illusion. Stay home & stay safe in Toronto, Ritika B. Cheers !
Vikas B.
Rating0 replies
we understand a few things and women understand a few things. nobody is perfect and get your facts straight you are no one to be commenting like this. i just love how everyone is against you cause youre wrong i am laughing.
Birat B.
1 replies
I don't think the movie said anything of that sort. It could simply be that despite the general population of men are chivalrous, cases where such is not true often go unnoticed and have taken a root in some societies. Perhaps the movie is just an attempt to showcase one of such stories where the protagonist has felt the way she has in the movie. Quite strongly and justified, in my opinion.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
"despite the general population of men are chivalrous," - where is this shown in the movie? Show me a single male central character (tapsy dad, her bro, her lawyer's husband, her FIL, her maid's husband) that respects his partner? "Perhaps" the movie is peddling an agenda to show a black-n-white world whr ONE mistake is enuf to end relationship. The nuances & complexities of human relationships r being reduced to a binary viewpoint. This is a dangerous precedent & it clearly hs a lot of currency among the proles.
Narayan K.
Rating1 replies
Raj H.
Rating2 replies
Worst movie with wrong message
Shankar G.
Rating0 replies
you really need law enforcement checking your marriage out. Wife beater alert no doubt.
Rohan G.
Rating0 replies
Shankar you should get checkup first before judging others, you disgusting spineless creep keep spreading your wrong agendas in name of pseudo feminist and keep supporting shit like this and gain false sympathy from your wife may be, poor looser.
Vaidehi P.
Rating1 replies
Very nice movie Very nice movie
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
Worst movie with wrong message
Andrew P.
0 replies
how can she slap
Xora X.
Rating1 replies
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Hitesh G.
5 replies
I disagree! It is not a big deal. She could have just slapped him back. Happens all the time here in the USA. Many times the woman slaps the guy first here actually and some guys slap them right back!! Of course many guys just take the slap and let it go.
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
Worst movie with wrong message
Vikas B.
Rating0 replies
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
Trishti N.
0 replies
True, but it's hard in highly cultural/religious families like a lot of families in India. Indians really care about dignity and respect, in fact they care about it too much hence the abuse problem.
Leah G.
Rating0 replies
I disagree, if she would have slapped him back then she would be doing the same mistake he did. Hitting someone is abuse it shouldn't happen whether it's circumstantial or not. Two wrong doesn't make it right.. There are numerous cases of people filing domestic abuse violations in North America, so what you said doesn't make sense. seriously man.. DONT PROMOTE ABUSE!!
revathi r.
1 replies
great acting,
Vikas B.
Rating0 replies
taapsee pannu is also greatest
neo n.
Rating2 replies
MGTOW FTW. Request all simps to thumbs-down this comment and register your presence & confirm you have bought the narrative hook-line-and-sinker.
Sumaya o.
Rating1 replies
What is bothering you so much? That a woman doesn't want to be slapped and disrespected? That she is not happy in the marriage after that slap and how everyone reacted to it therefore doesn't want to pretend to be. You said in comment above that one parent households are bad and gave black people in US as example. Really? There are so many things like poverty, drug and gun abuse you found yours? And if somehow one parent housed contributes to it how does that relate to this?
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Sumaya ji, since ur location says Sweden: "" In 1984 1% children had only 1 parent. In 2013, 35% children hv only 1 parent. My issue with abunav sihna is: his agenda seeks to destroy the family-structure by portraying a black-n-white illusion. Name 1 single male central character in the movie who respects his partner? From poor 2 rich, he peddles the narrative that all male r ignorant of their partner's value. This will impact society & make citizens MORE dependent on govt than ever before in history.
Sumaya o.
Rating2 replies
Does that mean that women should tolerate being slapped and disrespected more and take the full responsibility to preserve the marriage in order to prevent this from happening?
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Sumaya ji, evry human is flawed & prone to mistakes. If all it takes is ONE mistake to end a relationship, there is something genuinely wrong with both individuals. Take example of "blue color" door. Tapsi lived an illusion that blue was HER fav color while it actually was yellow. This idea that: "you r with us or against us" is a bad idea. Life is not black & white. My comments do not condone any violence of any sort whatsoever. When u r angry as hell & u repeatedly say "No, dont pull me away" & ur partner ignores ur stmt, who is being physically dominating?
Vikas B.
Rating0 replies
i like what you said the answer is no. but everyone is flawed he did he a mistake. he didn't purposely slap her over and over again.
steffni s.
2 replies
nice movie. voice of every woman.
neo n.
Rating1 replies
steffni, "voice", u say. "VOICE"? SHE chose to keep quiet when he was ordering her all day. SHE chose to love him & live with him. SHE chose to care for his mum. SHE chose to NOT "VOICE" her thoughts. SHE chose to keep silent after being insulted, slapped. SHE chose to NOT communicate post-facto. SHE chose to go to her dad's home. SHE chose to NOT live with him after child-birth. SHE made these choices. BTW: can u show how many marriage-counselling sessions the couple attended with open-mind, in this movie? ZERO. Why?
Sumaya o.
Rating0 replies
Yeah all of it were her CHOICES but being slapped across the face and not acknowledge it was not. Marriage counselling is something done by people who wish to stay together she didn't want to stay with a man that can slap her like that and behave like nothing happened later on.
Raj H.
Rating2 replies
Worst movie with wrong message
Shankar G.
Rating0 replies
so original of you to post the same comment over and over again. Dickheads like you are EXACTLY we need more of such movies. So ashamed that you are a man! Don't worry these comments of yours will be aired where they need to be. You have been raised wrong.
Rohan G.
Rating0 replies
Shankar you should get checkup first before judging others, you disgusting spineless creep keep spreading your wrong agendas in name of pseudo feminist and keep supporting shit like this and gain false sympathy from your wife may be, poor looser.
ziona d.
3 replies
Brilliant Acting by all. But the message is wrong. Slap is wrong and Ill make sure the man feels that but, for a slap, you don't get divorce. If you truly love someone, you give them a chance, just one more chance - for the husband who he was so far, for the family who loved her, for the baby, for the so called love she had, for that momentary incident which was unusual, she should give another chance. Divorce for a slap...nope.
gi n.
Rating2 replies
That was the whole point of the movie, that a slap is not okay, however unusual the situation may be. The guy never apologized, realized or even acknowledged what he did and that it was wrong, until she gave him a divorce. This guy never deserved a second chance! He did realize at the end and so he now has the chance to win her back. But unfortunately, the divorce was necessary to make him realize his mistake.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
gi n, the "divorce" ws not to "make HIM realize..". It was because SHE was no longer in love. The focus is on HER, not HIM. SHE used to love him, SHE felt neglected, SHE chose not to communicate her feelings, SHE tried to physically remove him 4m convo, SHE "expected" an apology (but never communicated), SHE no longer loved him. And, no, the divorce ws not "unfortunate" - the unborn child's future life - now "THAT" is unfortunate. Kids NEED & DESERVE a home with both mom + dad. Impact of not having it will hv consequences in future society. Wait & watch.
Sakila M.
Rating0 replies
Totally agree with you gi n. Excellent message for all the men & women from each and every generations. Brilliantly portrayed our society. A MUST WATCH MOVIE
jihane k.
1 replies
this movies is made exactly for people with this mindset. divorce fo slap is better than living in a broken relationship
neo n.
Rating0 replies
jihane, "better" in the context of the man & woman. If u look at it holistically (as a society) as well as from a child's perspective, being raised in a split-family or a 1-parent family is PROVEN to have negative impact (using data, statistics). Nothing in this universe is 100% "good" - evrything has flaws. Human relationships r also full of flaws. If v discard all that is flawed, we will end-up discarding entire universe.
Hunny P.
Rating0 replies
Thats the exact message that evan one slap is also not right a single slap leads to violent behavior .! What if women slaps will men give other chance for baby ..? love the movie right message .!
Vidya R.
Rating0 replies
Beautiful 😍
Aditi O.
2 replies
Made an entire movie off a slap? I mean I know nobody has the right to hit someone but a slap was quite less for divorce it's true. BUT the slap in front of so many people. The embarrassment was real. I would never stay with a man who has the courage to humiliate me like this and no woman should either. If it was alone, I would've given a second chance but it wasn't
nagavardhan V.
1 replies
You should never give a chance either way if you were subjected to a slap or even an iota of torture in public or while you were alone.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
ur comment reminded me of a tamil credo: "kuttram paarkin suttram illai" குற்றம் பார்கின் சுற்றம் இல்லை
Fero M.
0 replies
It seems like it's only about a slap but it' s much more than this. It is about humilation in front of everyone, about disrespect, about how he DOESN'T understand her and her feelings...he doesn't even apologize right at the beginning. I'm sure if he would just let her some time to calm and then appologize the right way >> like the end of the movie >> she would definitely give him a second chance. She also said herself "The slap opened my eyes to everything I was unhappy about".
Rohan I.
Rating0 replies
Great content and performances
Roop Kumar S.
Rating0 replies
Another nice movie with an excellent topic. I am sure there will be some who will go eh! It was ok. Well if one goes under the skin of the movie to get the underlying statement, its a brilliant topic to portray and not often thought of that way. Definitely recommended to watch and enjoy the simplicity of the screenplay and dialogues. Well done to all involved in making this.!! :-)
Parthi S.
Rating0 replies
good movie
Mina K.
Rating0 replies
Must watch
Surendra P.
0 replies
Excellent movie
Aravinth R.
1 replies
Nice Movie! If a full grown women is having nightmare for a slap, then just think about the nightmare of children who gets beating Everyday. i Suggest part 2 protagonist should be with 6 yr old kid
nagavardhan V.
0 replies
I think there is subtle mention of 498a in the movie. Someone must make a movie about the plight of men and women being subjected to a life they did not chose.
Palli D.
0 replies
Very good movie,must watch. Everyone acted very well.
Krishna G.
0 replies
Great movie!
nishan s.
Rating0 replies
wow what a movie .chuma
aj s.
Rating0 replies
every body who hitting the women must watch this and fucking learn a lesson !
Praveen A.
Rating0 replies
A movie every man should see. And every woman too.
nagavardhan V.
0 replies
Amazing movie with super awesome performances!! Thanks Einthusan!! #tapseepannuforever!!!
Hunny P.
Rating0 replies
Amazing movie ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Rittika B.
1 replies
One of the best movies to understand true feminist and women's rights. Bollywood should make more movies like this. Amazing performances, Pannu eye's expressions are phenomenal.
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
This is not feminist, its bullshit
Vijaya R.
Rating0 replies
fantastic acting by everyone...
Vasanthi I.
Rating0 replies
awesome movie
Prem B.
Rating0 replies
Horrible director with horrible actress... don’t waste your time with this shit😂
Swati G.
Rating1 replies
Excellent movie. Since birth parents & society teaches girls, how to be obedient & behave respectfully. Boys are brought up to ignore & disrespect women's feelings since their childhood. This movie opens up a housewife who cares and showers her emotions to her husband. But he disappoints her as he cares more of his success and failures of his professional career. It is our as society/ parents responsibility to make the world safer, free the women to express and make them to be part of family. Not just caring the child and elderly parents.
Rating2 replies
yes, but the issue in the movie is it was NOT his intention to hurt his wife. If his brother had pulled his hand while getting angry at his worker, he would have slapped him too. Problem with women and men is they get caught in the superficial opposites of life (also called as ego) eg love/hate, pride/shame, bored/excited, profit/loss, ugly/beautiful. There is a third state of mind. It is called as dharmic mindset. It is neither love nor hate. In this state of mind, no friction can happen.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Bharatgopal, ur comments seem a bit too-mature for most commenters on this forum, unfortunately. But, both of ur comments are amazing & deeply insightful. Not sure if u have ever read or known about a tamil credo: குற்றம் பார்கின் சுற்றம் இல்லை (kutram parkin sutram illai). You may want to google its meaning. Something our ancestors had thought-about & shared. My respects to you, Bharatgopal sir. Stay home, stay safe.
Arun A.
0 replies
I agree that the slap may appear to seem accidental. However, in refusing to apologize or even consider how she felt, the dude makes it clear it wasn't accidental. It is true it was an extremely stressful moment of rage that provoked it, but he resorted to using a tool within his toolbox that he should never have had.
Surya C.
Rating3 replies
One of the stupidest movies in the indian history. WTF!! Rarely stop watching movies halfway. No one except the parents have a basic sense of what marriage is in this movie. Without a minimal compromise there is no marital life!! FK this Director. Dumb movie.
Swati G.
Rating1 replies
Getting slapped is your minimal compromise? How often have you got slapped for minimal compromise?
Surya C.
Rating0 replies
Right on the point!! there you go. Never got slapped until now but i will be alright with few talks if that happens and i am strictly talking about getting slapped by your significant other. Might be a fashion for this generation to look for a reason to get divorced but not me.
Ash M.
1 replies
Really. Try getting slapped from your boss at work because he was frustrated. Will you go day. Dumbass. At least you reached Canada. Try behaving like a civilized Indian. No means no.
Surya C.
Rating0 replies
Well my friend, you comment is totally off topic. Getting slapped by someone random for no reason would instantly make me kick their ass back no matter who it is. I am strictly talking about getting slapped by significant other. Learn to understand what comment meant first before replying? Dumbass.
Fero M.
3 replies
Just because you don't have any self-respect and would let yourself slap by everyone in the name of compromise doesn't mean everybody need to think like you :-) Your comment is dumb.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Fero ji, wat is the need 2 make "personal comment" on Surya ji? They expressed an opinion - but they din't make any personal-remark abt u (Fero M) or any other commenter/viewer. I don't comprehend this mentality of attacking another individual (Surya C), insulting them especially when that individual said nothing personal abt u (Fero M). Y do u think this is acceptable behaviour? Wud u behave lyk this IRL with strangers? Stay home, stay safe, Fero ji.
Surya C.
Rating0 replies
Fero M. Your's is the funniest reply i got here! There is a difference between getting slapped by your own person and some random people on the road. Well talking about self respect, How much would that SO called Self respect you are talking about will be left once you get a divorce and drama after that? I am talking about reasons for 2 people to stay together and people like you are complaining?!?! Great.
Surya C.
Rating0 replies
neo n. ji. Thank you.
Rating4 replies
The female character cannot take a moral high ground because it was NOT her husband's intention to slap her. He was angry at his co-worker and his wife got caught in the cross fire. So, the husband was NOT a chronic wife basher. But servant maid's husband was. She should have dumped him. So, Indian women are not this stupid to rock the boat at the drop of a hat. Moreover marriage is not a contract (it is a western definition). It is commitment.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Bharath sir, we shud also luk at the subtle programming in the movie. All male central characters display the same attribute: they disregard their partner/wife. The father of tapsee too ignored her mom's singing; her brother ignored his gf's views; her father-in-law also dint value her MIL's time, her lawyer's journalist-partner downplayed the lawyer's achievements. The continuing theme is ALL MEN r ignorant of their partner. This message is now bought hook-line-and-sinker by lots of viewers (as visible in comments here). Hence, I say: MGTOW FTW is the future.
Abbas K.
Rating1 replies
True. But remember, the husband did not try to make amends. Instead, he sent her legal notices. Not a commitment on his part either. Watch the last scene with her mother in law. Explains everything.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Abbas, the husband DID try to make amends but it was absolutely pathetic. He took her out to a dinner & purchased some necklace or something. Life doesn't work like that. She tried to physically remove him from a conversation IN SPITE of his repeated requests to "leave him" (so he can talk sh!t 2 his colleague/manager). "No means NO" don't apply when an angry man says no ICYMI. That evoked a physical response from him. This in turn made her realize she was living an illusion & she was NOT HAPPY even before the slap.
Shankar G.
Rating2 replies
Great. I would also like to slap you, unintentionally. Let us all see you take the moral high ground.
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
This person need to get life :) why someone need to agree to ur views :)
Nishat _.
0 replies
Vishwas, YOU need to get a life, stop spreading negative comments on a movie that helps give woman more power, take your toxic ass somewhere else, it's people like you that ruin men's reputation.
Nishat _.
0 replies
When you're mad at something, do you slap your parents if they get caught in the cross fire? No, because you respect them. He knew she was the one pulling him away and he slapped her intentionally. Had he truly cared about her and respected her, he wouldn't have done it. I'm sure you heard of the phrase, once a cheater always a cheater? Same thing applies here, this movie is to show women that no matter what, even if under pressure, it DOES NOT give men the right to raise their hand on ANYONE.
Sharath R.
2 replies
Good Concept worstly portrayed. Yes She should not tolerate if he dont respect her, dont treat her properly. But there will be some thing called reflexes, it might be her or him you need to understand each other. Single reflex Thappad doesnt need a divorce. Try to bond together, no body can be perfect, mainly one thappad from him or her never should be dragged to divorce. Two happy souls got divorced for one thappad??
neo n.
Rating2 replies
Sharath sir, but they were NOT 2 happy souls. SHE was living an illusion of being happy; HE was actually happy. SHE was cheating herself, him & both families with her own illusion that she was happy living as a home-maker. SHE even said: I no longer love you. One slap cannot cause love to disappear, no? So, the rot runs deep. After the slap, what he did by legal-notice & then putting lies that she was drunk, etc - all of these made the whole thing worse. Marriage counselling & Mental Health sessions were needed; but abunav sniha wud rather hv them divorced.
Abbas K.
Rating0 replies
True to a certain extent. But like the lawyer said, if that was the case, more than 50% of marriages would end in divorce. What he did was to start the legal process with a notice. That was the real issue. Watch the last scene with the mother in law. Explains everything.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Abbas sir, i do agree that the husband escalated the mess further by his first legal notice (restoration of conjugal rights). Again, this is the equivalent of tapsy's maid's husband making her walk in the first scene. The continuing theme of this movie is to showcase ALL MEN r intrinsically abusive in their relationiships AND "CONSEQUENTLY" ALL WOMEN are victims. This is the agenda being peddled.
Ash M.
1 replies
No means no. Try that in us and you will end in jail. In India people break laws. Try doing that in US. Your ass will be in jail. We Indians think everything goes. There is no way to justify bad behavior.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Ash ji, that idiot guy kept saying STOP pulling my hand many times. He said same thing to tapsi's brother, his colleague - and they understood "No Means No" and went away. He said exact same thing to tapsi, but apparently "No Means No" does not apply when an angry idiotic self-obsessed man says NO, Do NOT pull my hand & try to pull me away. Think about the whole sequence of events. She was already unhappy; the slap, & his actions after that simply brought to surface her unhappiness. That's all. STOP "STEREOTYPING" plz (Indians & US, both).
Pankaj U.
Rating0 replies
Even a single life changed or peoples prospective from this movie U guys did ur job awesome Great taapsee & all the great actors who took this movie thanks & I know not one a lot of people are going to learn a lot of thing from it thanks
Rajesh K.
Rating0 replies
Awesome movie, enjoyed it
Sunandita S.
0 replies
Yogesh G.
Rating0 replies
What a splendid direction. Anubhav Sinha has really created gem. Awesome detailing and crisp lead cast! Tapsee once again proving her talent, top performance. Movie with a lovely message :) very relative to everyone.
Abbas K.
Rating0 replies
Amazing movie. Just amazing
Ash M.
0 replies
Very delicate movie. Very well done showing the real root cause of this issue. Why do men think they can. Men cannot afford to listen to their bosses at work or get spoken down for their incompetence yet they feel entitled to do same to the most organized person in their life. Most men cannot manage a team at work and mother's do so efficiently the life of family without getting credit. TP was awesome in her potrayal of her emotions.
Lola k.
0 replies
hello it's not working properly please allow me to watch it
Shey D.
Rating0 replies
Amazing movie, the whole cast did an amazing job. Must watch for sure!!!!
Devika A.
0 replies
Taapsee is an amazing actress, never disappoints! Great movie!
Rohit J.
Rating0 replies
Superb Screenplay, Direction, Cast, Storyline and the last but not the least...hats off to the Indian Constitution which gives women the right to make her own decisions..without the interference of the society !!! Recommended !!
Lola k.
0 replies
hi it's not working properly please allow me to watch it???
Linda L.
Rating0 replies
absolutely great movie. Great plot and not inflated with too much activism.
Lola k.
1 replies
please allow me to watch it. doesn't work
Abbas K.
Rating0 replies
Pay $25. Then no issues for life
Lola k.
0 replies
hello einthusan it's not working properly please allow me to watch it. this is not fair. it's kept saying that I have to wait until the film is working. I tried to refresh. it's not working and please let me to watch it
Raj H.
Rating1 replies
Shit movie, wrong message. Giving bullshit in name of feminism. Waste of time
Lola k.
1 replies
it's not working properly but how do es that works for you
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
Keep refreshing, with few retries within 10 15 mins you will be able to play
Ritesh R.
Rating1 replies
Greatest movie on indain cimema✌️
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
Shit movie, with wrong message
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
Worst bullshit movie, Donno What message movie wants to give, break your family for your ego. There will be lot of ups and downs in relation, understanding that and compromising each other make you successfull.. In current world this bullshit of feminism is ruining many families. Elders should teach thier kids to compromise have patience in relation not support for bullshit.
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
Very worst movie
ali Abdulkadir m.
0 replies
This is just a movie it doesnt represent u and ur views If u like the movie thumbs up If u dont like the movie dont bother why bring unnecesary argument
Yasmin O.
Rating0 replies
Such a wonderful movie and with a great feministic message. often times, women are on the frontline and flag-barers of misogyny, sexism and the patriarchy. Mothers and mother-in-laws have internalized so much sexism that its not even funny. And what can i say about men and their toxic masculinty? The root of all evil, I hope and pray that men can actually learn to unlearn the patriarchal ways of thinking from this movie. Hats of to everyone involved. So loud yet subtle.
vasuki p.
Rating1 replies
Great Movie! Every woman should watch!
neo n.
Rating0 replies
குற்றம் பார்கின் சுற்றம் இல்லை
Neena S.
2 replies
Acting is good. I did not like story. If they make this type of movie most of family will divorce.
neo n.
Rating1 replies
that is the agenda being peddled (fmly-structure is bad) ICYMI. Also notice dat every single male central character was portrayed as not caring for their partner. Even tapsy's dad wud keep criticizing her mom 4 boiling tea too long. The underlying narrative is: every single man is inherently flawed & every single married woman is a victim. Take tapsy's character as example. She lived an illusion of "happily-married" to such an extent she believed blue ws her fav-color & remember it was yellow only later-on. Weaponized victimhood will lead to decimation of family-structures.
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
This is Shit movie, with wrong message. This is nonsense to end relation over ego. In this movie husband apologies for the incident which happened in heat of moment, that bullshit nonsense character tapsee plays is adamant to end relation, definitely not how families work. This is worst movie ever
Fero M.
0 replies
So what? If they are unhappy let them divorce..why should they force themselves to stay together I don't get...Every human being has the right to live the way they want to and be happy. And I'm sure not MOST of the families are unhappy and would divorce like you say....
Mary Y.
Rating0 replies
It certainly is real, marriages and fantasy ends without a bang and you drive out of court, rarely are there winners...
Anoop J.
Rating0 replies
Happy to see that such movies are coming up in India & I hope that our society will learn to give equal importance for both men and women! Great storyline and performance! All throughout the movie, each character is demanding equal rights and respect, well done!
Avinash S.
2 replies
Expectations are crushed. Utterly senseless and ironically (in)sensitive storyline. Though having multiple great performers who did a great job themselves, weak and confused script just throws the whole movie credibility out of the window! The message is unclear, confused and more messy TBH. Instead of helping build relationships, it actually only messes up for today's generation!
neo n.
Rating1 replies
Avinash ji, i felt the message is very clear. All men r undeserving of their partners, they universally belittle/ignore/criticize their partners. This is a central theme & u 2 can observe all male central characters (tapsy's husband, her maid's husband, her lawyers' husb, her FIL, her dad, her brother) display this exact attribute several times in the movie. The agenda is: All men are intrinsically abusive (toxic masculinity) & all women are victims. The objective: destroy the current family-structure to create more dependence on the state.
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
This is Shit movie, with wrong message. This is nonsense to end relation over ego. In this movie husband apologies for the incident which happened in heat of moment, that bullshit nonsense character tapsee plays is adamant to end relation, definitely not how families work. This is worst movie ever
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
Well said Avinash, utter nonsense movie with very wrong message
Siva R.
Rating1 replies
Beautiful movie, women win in their own kind lovely way
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
Worst movie with wrong message
Mohammad B.
Rating1 replies
must watch
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
Worst movie with wrong message
Pradeep S.
1 replies
I didn't like this movie also such movies shouldn't be encouraged.
Raj H.
Rating0 replies
well said pradeep, we shouldnt encourage these kind of bullshit agendas and wrong messages
Uzma M.
Rating0 replies
Sharifah Z.
1 replies
Good movie! Taught a MCP a good life lesson....
Raj H.
Rating1 replies
Worst movie with wrong message
Joe J.
Rating0 replies
but you wont slap again.. or do you ;)
Kumar R.
0 replies
fine movie
Sunandita S.
0 replies
Ashleen P.
Rating1 replies
The acting was great! But the idea of her getting slapped which really looked like an accident didn't make sense to me as to why she would make a big deal. I feel like if he slapped her purposely it would have impacted the audience more with her reaction.
Arun A.
0 replies
It seemed that way to me too when it occurred, so I don't think it was executed well from a direction standpoint. But if it truly was an accident, he should have apologized and said he didn't mean to. Instead he kept stressing that it was just once and his stress justified it.
Sunitha S.
0 replies
Awesome movie of this genre!
sandhya p.
Rating0 replies
Beautiful Movie
Joe J.
Rating1 replies
Indian movies are made for Indian men.. it is unbelievable someone had the courage to invest on this. Any country expecting to be developed has to respect woman. Indian men even takes women's salary and give out an unbelievable response "the one who knows to spend it must spend.. and I know how to spend!". Try slapping a western woman and you will see!! This movie is an indication India is heading fast towards being a developed country.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
well said Joe. Good job stereotyping western "DEVELOPED" nations. I guess when below events r executed flawlessly in india v can confirm dat india has become a fully developed country. || a. | b. | c. | d. | e.
Draupadi T.
1 replies
Tapsee did not act well
neo n.
Rating0 replies
that is subjective (whether tap-c acted, well or not-so). Thanks for reminding me of my past at Bluffside Drive (studio city, LA, California) - your location brings back fond memories (working at the Universal studios, back some 10 years ago). :) Very nice location, scenic, peaceful & with my employee-pass i cud go to the studios every week-end. LOL. Good ol days. Stay home, stay safe, Draupadi ji.
Draupadi T.
1 replies
She should have left him alone. It was his business issues
neo n.
Rating2 replies
There was 2 previous persons who tried to pull him away from that conversation. His colleague & tapsy's brother - both of them tried to pacify him & tried to get him away from creating a scene. When he pushed them away - they both understood a "core" concept called "No means NO" & respected his personal-space AND left him. However, tapsy clearly doesn't understand personal-space, she has no respect for "No means NO" & kept trying to physically remove him from the situation. Hence, this is "TOXIC MASCULINITY" that gets the blame - this is abunav-sihna logic. ROFLMAO.
Arun A.
0 replies
Yes, she could have given him his space, but it does not excuse what he did, or the lack of remorse after. If you think this stuff just happens in movies, you need a dose of reality. This happens a lot more than a lot of us are willing to accept even in a civilized society
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Arun A ji, i hv not said that spousal abuse is not a real issue. It absolutely is. All i m saying is: respecting an individual's personal space (by NOT pulling them away from an angry verbal exchange) has its values. That they r ur spouse doesn't make it "acceptable" to violate their personal-space (or to slap them). Actions-Reactions. Both r wrong. Howevr, u cn c vast majority ignore the action & only criticize the reaction. This is a major prblm. Jz my view - not trying 2 impose this on any 1.
Draupadi T.
1 replies
I am a doctor I see men hit when they are helpless and hopeless and exasperated. Most of the time women trigger them
Leah G.
Rating0 replies
I'm sorry, you're a doctor and you believe men can justify hitting women because they feel "helpless", "hopeless" and "exasperation.." I'm a doctor and I see numerous cases where women are abused and it's heartbreaking. I can't believe you have the heart to justify physical abuse after you witness what some women go through. Men can be abused too, and as a doctor, you shouldn't justify physical abuse period, it doesn't matter if the abuser is man or women. Not sure how you passed medical ethics, your job isn't to investigate the patient's life that's the law enforcement's role.
Draupadi T.
1 replies
We need to control our anger and never hit
Arun A.
0 replies
Dr.Draupadi, I think you still don't get the key message. And that message is that it is not OK to be violent against women, irrespective of the mental situation a man is in. Slapping should not be an option. This is not just about anger management, it is about believing that a woman's feelings are secondary to a man's.
Kristyna M.
Rating0 replies
Fantastic movie
Rajmohan S.
Rating0 replies
beautiful movie
Sam S.
0 replies
Arun A.
0 replies
I strongly believe the guy was wrong to have slapped his wife. But what I think was worse that he wasn't man enough to say sorry. It was always about how he'd be perceived by others who saw it than how she felt. The lack of empathy was a bigger problem that the slap itself. Both these messages should be taught to children. This will avoid violence against women.
Advait J.
0 replies
Very useful message. I will note it.
Anbazhagan C.
Rating3 replies
I agree with the point of view the movie showed, the guy shouldn't have raised his hand against woman, and worst thing he did was, didn't console his own wife at that moment and didn't apologize, its very wrong. But I am little concerned about man is always shown always at wrong side, what about woman that tortures man? may not be physically but emotionally. my point is its not just man only, woman does it too!! Arey nobody sees it, Men are human too! Judicialy if divorced the man is not allowed to raise a child because he is father not a mother!
Anbazhagan C.
Rating0 replies
And Man are the worst creature in the world because they don't care about their wife, they don't care about child, and family, man are just selfish creature, only woman is eligible to take care of the child! How messy one sided society!
Anbazhagan C.
Rating0 replies
And equality should be equal! Not just woman wants to be equal!
neo n.
Rating0 replies
குற்றம் பார்கின் சுற்றம் இல்லை (kutram parkin sutram illai)
Amitava B.
Rating0 replies
Very nice Movie
sadek h.
Rating0 replies
One of the worst movie this year. Never ever seen such a divorce case based on one slap. Purely nonsense content. waste of time.
Pradeep G.
0 replies
Excellent movie.
Yassin G.
Rating0 replies
All he needed to do was apologize earlier and things could have been different. But because he was selfish and thought only about himself and how he was wronged by his job, he paid no attention to his action towards a wife that has given up everything for him. Yes it's our choice to give up things for the sake of marriage as women, that's why we need that compassion, respect and appreciation from our husbands. They have no right to treat us as they please because we are their 'wife'. I like the movie and those who say it's not a good movie are quiet narrow minded.
Krishna G.
0 replies
Beautiful Movie! Loved the scene where she tells her motherinlaw why she does what she is doing!
Tayy R.
0 replies
yo what that girl acting like she got killed. Poor guy sorry man and she destroys her own home for slap. My wife slaps me daily I just ignore
P R S.
0 replies
Thought provoking. Well made movie..
venky b.
0 replies
Don't take your life decisions based on a movie. Making husband's life hell by a wife or beating a wife by husband is not a solution. Just treat your spouse either wife or a husband as your family just like you treat your parents, kids and siblings. you can't divorce a parent or sibling or your kid then why only spouse? workout things with spouse and lead peaceful life instead of getting into ego issues? Don't put your hard earned money into a lawyer's pocket.
Shankar G.
Rating1 replies
There are two "men" here commenting over and over again feeling threatened that women are getting attention for objecting to a slap. Only one slap, it was not intentional, marriages should not be broken over a slap, says one, and the other is too inarticulate to say anything other than wrong message over and over again. Would love to slap the former unintentionally and watch him squirm and the other, well, he needs police checking him our in Leeds as there is no doubt this dickhead is a wife beater himself. But yes, GREAT MOVIE and long overdue for Indian males to wake up to themselves.
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
Shankar Before commenting on others look yourself, i think you are having problem with people who is saying this movie is not good, everyone has thier opinion, i completely support thier views about this movie and its everyone right and choice to like or dislike a movie, you cannot judge based on it. I do completely agree this is the worst movie ever made, nonsense storyline with hidden agenda to spread hate towards men in name of feminism. people like you are fall for this trap and think you are great by supporting this. Shame on you Shankar, Get life
upesh G.
Rating0 replies
Very nice movie, i love the story and performance
Fatema P.
0 replies
Everyone needs to understand that the slap shown in the movie is really a metaphor/umbrella term that covers any and all type of physical/emotional/mental abuse a woman endures in a relationship. There were stories of other women shown in the movie too. The maid that endures physical abuse, the lawyer that endures emotional abuse, the mother in law that endures neglect (another form of emotional abuse). Amrita's story and actions inspired these women.
Fatema P.
2 replies
Continuation to my comment above : Amrita was able to do what she did, because she had the support and encouragement of everyone, including her mother-in-law. This is not the case with many typical Indian families. More often that not, the woman is "explained and pacified" or simply even ridiculed for even thinking about a divorce. The only opposition she really ran into, was from her brother at the outset.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Fatema ji, real life is not black-n-white. Yes, women most definitely suffer all sorts of problems due to their male-partners. However, it is not as crass, blunt as portrayed by this director. The "repetitive" daily-life of tapc in the first few minutes of the movie shows how she is living an "illusion" of being a happy "house-wife". The "ONLY" thing she is excited in her daily-life is the dance-lesson - whr u cn c her face lighten-up. The slap broke her illusion & she realized she doesn't love him "anymore". Hence, divorce.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
2/2 cont: Love is never a good basis/foundation for a relationship. Love is necessary but insufficient for a good spousal-relationship. Both spouses need to empathize & understand each-other. In this movie, the male simply has ZERO empathy & the female is doubling-up. Empathy, care, affection, responsibility is a two-way street. Ideally, a mental-health counselling & a marriage-counselling were both needed for this couple. But, since director doesn't believe in such inanities of life, he chose divorce. This sets a very bad precedent, unfortunately. Society will bear consequences.
Mahalakshmi R.
Rating0 replies
A must watch movie.
Blah B.
0 replies
It's more interesting to watch after so many comments. :-) looks at the movie as art, don't relate to your own situation. Definitely Rassee Pannu is great actress. I will add more comments after I watch movie. Take it easy..
Akash S.
0 replies
Raj? Worst Movie with wrong message ?
Draupadi T.
0 replies
Stupid movie and wrong message to the. It was none of her business to interfere his business partners conversation She provoked him Poor thing ,never forgive him Now all women will,do this shit. That stupid lawyer just walked out without sharing or working out. I am also a woman. Bad movie
balaji g.
1 replies
Good movie. Runtime time could have been shortened to 2hrs. But all men characters are portrayed as abusive or unsupportive including the male lawyer not sure why such negativity. Only positive male character was Diya's husband they chose to kill that character. After watching film, it makes you think men are disgusting creatures having tendency to become abusive. I think we as humans should respect fellow humans. Simple!
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Balaji g, gud observation. Another corollary: all women r victims of the male-abuse (toxic masculinity). The same ppl who lyk this movie & how it paints all men as MCPigs will also support humanizing terrorists lyk riyaz naikoo as maths-teacher. This is what I refer 2 as the WOKE-LIBERAL self-loathing collective-suicidal dimwitted idiocy. U shud check out saand-ki-aankh - again, same toxic masculinity + women-victimhood theme can b observed. In that movie, though, there is a male-teacher shown as gud male. These movies spread division in society. V all will bear the consequences.
Steven R.
1 replies
Wasn't sure if I would watch it. Looking at the slew of comments and the energy peeps seem to have, will give it a try. Take it easy folks, life is very beautiful (even with crazy C-19), just know how to N'joy it. Don't be throwing hats on others opinion.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Steven R, I can't speak for other commenters; however, plz don't let my opinions affect / cloud your judgement. Technically, it is a well-made movie. As long as 1 can disconnect the nuances & complexities of human relationships & accept this rather basal, raw black-n-white view of spousal relationship with the overbearing theme of toxic-masculinity - 1 would enjoi the movie. Other than a few personal attacks, I think the discussion in the comments is about-average. Do share ur opinion when u hv seen it. Stay home & stay safe.
Sam T.
0 replies
great movie
Sunny S.
Rating0 replies
Very nice movie!
Indra G.
Rating0 replies
The worst message was given by the story and movie., All actors have done excellent acting but creating such a bad action by one woman, is out of proportion. She had a THAPPAD but look at the circumstances, how it happened.
sat d.
1 replies
A relationship is a compromise, give & take. For some reason I was able to predict the movie by the title itself. The whole movie could have shot in short film like 20 minutes. Tapsee used to be good. Now a days, got into feminist type stereo typical roles, always woman are the victim. One movie, Pink was enough. To me, she really under performed the lead role. Though I neither support nor encourage violence in any relation, 2 hours is too much of stretch. At the end of the day, it's Hindi movie, Chammak challo.
neo n.
Rating1 replies
sat d, hv u noticed a theme of this "toxic masculinity" propaganda being spread across various movies. Jz another example: sand ki aankh. If u observe, almost-all male characters in that movie too hv ONLY negative traits/attributes. Heck, that movie even attempted to rationalize mandatory vasectomy which was "allegedly" executed by a son of Feroze Jehangir Khan (husband of priyadarshini nehru feroze). Vast viewers buy this kool-aid hook-line-and-sinker. The future is gonna b "interesting" (to say the least) since our societies r filled with such guillible sheeple.
sat d.
0 replies
Thanks for taking time and adding your thoughts. I would agree we need movies to uplift the minorities (say women, economically backward groups etc.). However just for the namesake, you don't have to hurt the whole gender. I support woman rights however every man is not a demon. Above all, all the girls or woman had a father one time in their life. Hence too much of hatred's good for any one. And in a relation, understanding, taking a step back, tolerance etc. will go a long way in extending any strained relation.
Sumi C.
0 replies
I loved it, it is not about tolerating or compromising. It’s about mutual respect. It’s not just abt husband, wife also matters
Kanav N.
1 replies
Majority would brand this movie feminist nonsense. Cos it goes against the prevailing practice in society. 30 years from now, hopefully, things are going to be different. Anyone would think twice before hitting someone with equal or higher status but its game if the person is 'considered' of lower status.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
30 yrs from now: there will b almost ZERO marriages. Close to 90% kids will nvr meet their father & quite a number wud not even know who is their biological father (since child-births wud b using IVF with anonymous sperm donors). For ref: plz check US marriage rate decline in URL
Bushra H.
Rating4 replies
I never comment on here- its my first comment actually. I'm past half way point of the movie. People that are saying that it is "one slap" - don't realise that it was the final straw for her. It wasn't just that - that point she realised everything else broken in her marriage and how she brushed everything under the carpet. Remember it was the straw that broke the camels back. Personally, I would have dumped his ass a long time ago. But really you expected her to stay- that one slap will turn into punch, then a full on beating.
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
I think you are thinking only from women perspective, do you think any marriages will sustain and any families will be successfull with such mentality, patience and sacrifice is essential to build family along with Love. Many things go wrong in everyday life you cannot destroy families in your self ego isnt it?
neo n.
Rating0 replies
Bushra ji, 100% well-said. She ws living an "illusion" - & it is evidenced in her dialog abt blue-color door (while her fav color is yellow). In the initial scenes u cud relate 2 her annoyance with her mundane life with only exception being the "dance-class" she taught. Any relationship btwn 2 persons requires BOTH ppl 2 contribute, empathize, understand, recognize & respect. When 1 realizes other isn't contributing, it's time to seek relationship-counselling. But the director attributes all prblms 2 toxic masculinity & peddles the women-victimhood narrative, instead. That's my $0.02 anyway.
vani n.
0 replies
Exactly! This is not about a slap. Slap made her realize her place in that marriage, it made her realize she does not have a life with this guy. She realized she was nothing more than a servant in that house. Any women with self respect would leave a guy who has no respect for his wife. For him she was just there to do work for him. If she interrupts that he can take that out on her.
Vishwas S.
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Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
I think this is the one of the worst movie, very bad storyline. I'm not sure what director wants to convey here end your marriage to prove your point? There is no place for adjustment, sacrifice in relation? Can we be so selfish in a relation. Its agreed husband did wrong in single slap and its shown he regrets it completely and loves her, but the stupid lady is adamant on one thing divorce, Many ppl in comment are supporting this, god save our society.Just think and see from your parents what sacrifice they did to raise family, its not Joke. Guys get life and stop supporting this kind movie.
subhash c.
1 replies
Violence against women happens on many scales. It should be unacceptable. Women shouldn't just deal with it and men should be taught that it is NEVER acceptable. The movie is meant to make a societal statement and the actors have done a fine job portraying this message.
neo n.
Rating1 replies
subash ji, when tapc's bro & her husband's colleague TRIED to persuade him 2 NOT create a scene, he did not resort to "violence". When a person is angry & on the verge of breakdown, AND keeps repeating u to stay away AND to not physically pull them: how is it that v can't recognize "No MEANS NO"? Instead, all of that invasion of personal space is jz conveniently ignored. Why? If she said "No" when he wanted to indulge in coitus - wud v not say "No means NO"? How come it doesn't apply when he REPEATEDLY tells her to go away.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
BTW, i m not supporting any sort of violence. Pulling someone or slapping them - or any other sort. Human relationships r not black-and-white - it is so much more nuanced, complex. There r research scientists still trying to figure out how humans socially interact & papers r published on new learnings. This director, though, jz reduces it all into a binary. Wat's sad is the amt of support dat these so-called educated but guillible sheeple provide 2 such messages. Future of human societies will inevitably suffer due to such sheeple.
Manju K.
Rating0 replies
Once again one of the finest performance by Tapsee.
Grace.Kutty N.
Rating2 replies
husband never had an the midst of job conversation wife intervenes, gets slapped..ends up in divorce and child becomes partially an orphan..:-[ ;-\ omg so much for ego..
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
Yes very true Grace, you perfectly got the issue in this movie, all this for self ego lead to destroy wonderful family. Few people here are simply supporting this movie thinking its supporting wife to showcase themselves as femnists.. Atleast there are some genuine people like you who thinks this movie is bullshit
vani n.
0 replies
It is not about ego but self respect. Kids have better life growing up in a loving family than growing up in a broken family. It is very simple the husband does not respect his wife for who she is but behaves like 2 yr old that she has to take care of. Any women with self respect would leave a baby like that. As his mother said in the end, women should teach their sons to respect women.
vani n.
0 replies
The movie is not just about a slap, it is about respecting women at any circumstances. The slap made her realize her place in that house. There were many subtle msg that her husband dosnt respect her in their rship. She was merely a servant in that house, as long as she maintained that every1 is fine.Except few ppl, every1 else was justifying her humiliation, even to the extent of saying how nice of her husband must be to marry her though she does not know how to cook though he guy does not even know how to open a tea pack. Yep that is to me is nothing less than male chauvinism. Great Movie
Sanjar A.
0 replies
Why doesn’t it let me watch movie. I bought $25 premium. Im so mad right now
Nawang T.
0 replies
Good message.
Gaurav M.
1 replies
it's a flop movie at box time people whoever liked this movie please go to cinema and spend money....THAPPAD
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
ROFL well said Gaurav, nobody wants to waste thier money on this bullshit :)
Madhurta M.
0 replies
Great movie 🎥
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
No doubt this is very bad movie with negative vibe spreading agenda. Avoid these kind of movies and do not support. See reviews for yourself
Manish K.
1 replies
It’s an ok movie. Two points, 1) slapping her is very wrong. No man should raise his hand on any woman. Second point, it showed she loves him so much and a slap ended in divorce. That was very wrong about her without giving a chance. It is especially based on the circumstances when it happened.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
correction: "she was living an illusion that she loved him". This is easily visible in the first few minutes of tapsy's character. It is mundane - wake-up, pick leaf 4m window, make tea, blah blah, give wallet to husband at car. The same sh_t ws repeated multiple times. The "ONLY" activity whr tapc ws excited - her dance-class 2 nxt-door kid. This is NOT a loving-relationship. Not by a long shot. It ws an illusion & when the illusion broke, she unilaterally separated. PERIOD.
Anupkumar S.
0 replies
such a great film
Yamini M.
Rating0 replies
This is the longest comment section I have seen for a movie. Some ego hurt people commenting again and again about the same thing. Honestly, nothing is going to change the fact that, the movie is a hit and the director , cast and production made a good profit. So, take your sorry ass somewhere else bro! loved the movie btw.
Khyati S.
3 replies
Those who are against this movie are stupid or haven't seen the movie properly. From start to end, movie shows that it is not a slap that lead to the divorce. It's not her who gave divorce, it's the guy who created such situations that made her to give divorce. Understand that the guy never apologized UNTIL END (family court). Those who disliked the movie are blinded with patriarchy system. Ask your mother did she ever felt disrespected by her in-laws or husband. You will understand when you hear her.
Khyati S.
2 replies
The guy was shown too egoist. He created scene, next he slaps his wife, he never apologies to her, he sends legal notice to bring her home when she is just asking for sometime to live alone, he then tries to show that his wife is of ill-character & wants complete custody of his child.
Khyati S.
0 replies
The wife got slapped, but that night none of her in-laws came to empathize with her or say sorry. She didn't leave immediately & stays for few days to give multiple chance for her husband to apologize. Then she realizes nobody cares about how she is feeling & her life interests like dance or her fav color.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
"Then she realizes nobody cares about how she is feeling & her life interests like dance or her fav color." - 100% correct & i agree. She ws living an illusion & ws cheating herself that she was "happy". She ws never truly happy or satisfied with her mundane life. Her only solace ws her dance-lesson. The slap merely destroy her illusion & showed her the truth (including blue v/s yellow fav color). Y ws no marriage + mental-health counselling done? Becuz director hs an agenda 2 peddle.
Khyati S.
1 replies
The wife got slapped, but that night none of her in-laws came to empathize with her or say sorry. She didn't leave immediately & stays for few days to give multiple chance for her husband to apologize. Then she realizes nobody cares about how she is feeling & her life interests like dance or her fav color.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
a, "no sorry, no thank u" in fraandship (but wife not friend) b. words < actions. he clearly "felt" apologetic. took her out to dinner to spend time. of course he shud hv publicly expressed his apology (ryt in front of all friends, relatives) - that is the "IDEAL" response of a flawless person. But, guess what - humans r FLAWED. Nothing is IDEAL. Excluding ppl 4m one's life due to their intrinsic flaws will lead to ___ ?
neo n.
Rating0 replies
as a child who hs lived in a nuclear fmly whr an alcoholic dad hs resorted to abuse my mum - i assure u, my mum is much stronger. This "patriarchy" non-sense is a slap in the face of brave, strong, amazing mums lyk mine. She worked & earned; & after my dad's death she took 100% responsibility. I also assure u, my strong mum wud NVR allow a one-off event to shape her decision. She was not a snow-flake to run away due 2 ONE character-flaw of her partner. She knows how to fight & how to improve her lyf (& her husband). She got my dad 2 study M.Com at age 40 (distance-edu).
Hassan W.
1 replies
It’s a just bull shit, teach the people how ruined their life’s and spoil the world by ugly ego. Third class thought.
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
Very well said Hassan, should not support these kind of agenda and fake feminism, Some poor souls here are living in false world filled with self ego and bullshit in thier brain, and some guys supporting them thinks they are liberal and feminsits.. disgusting.. This movie should have been banned literally this doesnt deserve single view
Gay N.
2 replies
Stupid ass movie, literally autistic af. I mean wtf is this trying to convey, break your marriage for a slap. Bruh feminism going stoopid crazy if it means females do this shit for their own ego. Hell naw gay ass movie. And all the cucks and simps that like the movie lol u would prob be happy watching ur wife go crazy on another man. Downvote me idgaf.
neo n.
Rating0 replies
ergo, MGTOW FTW ! :)
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
very well said, this is worst movie ever
Ishhh R.
Rating0 replies
Well made movie, nice script, cast, performance and crisp apt dialogues. Loved the maid role and character. Depth in the protogonist reasoning is well depicted. Nice one!
Khyati S.
0 replies
Those who are against the movie should see these reviews, maybe it may help to understand what the movie is about: ..........1) ..........2) ..........3) ..........4) ..........It is about respecting women (housewife or working women) and not about divorce.
Francis A.
0 replies
It’s a beautiful movie. All men, women, mother, mother-in-law, sisters , bothers ..... must watch! Give respect to women, value her emotions, sacrifice, affection and love! Be compassionate! Be human!
Elektra Z.
0 replies
If anything better than this movie was reading the comments here. Wow! A clear testimony on why we need such a movie in the first place.
Kiran G.
0 replies
Nice Movie. Subtle, but a point well made.
Pavan K.
0 replies
Excellent Movie
Theresa A.
0 replies
Gees . if you all would let anyone who has not seen this movie. Please..please keep your comments yourselves
Naresh L.
Rating1 replies
Most of the people disliking the movie and commenting on others' post are free members 😆. Mentality 😉
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
So what , this shows ur mentality :P
Ravi A.
1 replies
My wife watched the trailer, told me to not watch it. I watched trailer anyhow. Seems like this movie is extremely one-sided, it's better to not such watch.
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
thats the best advise from your wife Ravi, really feel proud of ladies who doesnt support these kind of agenda and fake feminism, Some poor souls here are living in false world filled with self ego and bullshit in thier brain, and some guys supporting them thinks they are liberal and feminsits.. disgusting.. This movie should have been banned literally this doesnt deserve single view
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
Einthusan - please add a label, Never Watch to this movie, this movie deseves it :p
Ramesh K.
0 replies
Me and my wife watched. Both of our opinion is, movie ending with divice is bad as husband and his family reliazed the mistake and appolized, also its 1st time. People learn from mistakes and become better, provided chances given. Like other comments, chronic wife bashers need to be questioned and punished. Again its after all a commercial movie and people should be matured enough to understand to what message to take and what to ignore and move on. my 2 cents.
Vibha A.
Rating0 replies
Excellent movie with great acting by all actors!
Raj R.
Rating0 replies
I loved this movie. Haters gonna hate this comment but I don't care. No one has the right to slap you and not even say sorry.
Mihiri D.
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Simran S.
Rating0 replies
Good acting. Very unrealistic story. Poor direction. Thanks Einthusan
Trishti N.
0 replies
Lol, I've never seen so many comments on a movie before on Einthusan, can't even read them all, the trend is sooo longgg
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Bert D.
0 replies
Needless to say, I haven't watched the movie yet, but the comments section has been very entertaining to say the least. Keep it up guys! Oh, by the way, I will watch the movie and hope those who want to control a woman, find whats coming to them, and those who care about women's rights, realize that abuse of women is alive in well in the "sanskriti" belt! :) On that note! Cheers!
Manju K.
Rating0 replies
Must watch solid performance
Abdullah Z.
Rating0 replies
What a great movie. Loved it.
jj s.
Rating1 replies
Worstestest movie. Psuedo feminism. Hate it. And whoever against me, I hate you guys as well. Wrong meaning of feminism. Flop movie. Don't waste your time.
Vishwas S.
Rating0 replies
Very true, Its utter nonsense and waste of time.
Aloke K.
0 replies
Well made movie. NO fuss, straight to the point. Good performance. Brings up a very important aspect of man dominated Indian society. There are many reasons for this arrogant behavior of some men: "taking women for granted" or "treating women like second class human". One of them being, doting mother giving special treatment to the son, where he can make no mistakes and pampered to glory, while daughters are reprimanded for the smallest slight. Again, before a few of you explodes and dumps on me (Male & not a feminist), this is my observation & is not a blanket statement to all.
Rinu R.
0 replies
Its so sad seeing how few people react to the movie, how they think it is ok to slap a girl, how it is ok to teach a daughter to tolerate when a son is not taught how to respect women. @Vishwas S you need to grow up a lot, its so sad you had to check the review to understand the movie, before you talk about fake feminism please check the meaning of feminism.
Vijaya R.
0 replies
Excellent movie! Enjoyed every movement
Andy M.
Rating0 replies
Weak plot and not worth 4 star rating.
Amit K T.
Rating0 replies
i am husband, i never fight with my wife, i only understand that she left her entire family for me , i will stand with her till my last breath. I love my wife. :)
Steve K.
Rating0 replies
Excellent entertainer. A simple story but very delicately made. Amazing job by story writer. Hats off to the director for understanding the spirit of the story and directing to the plomb. If you don't get the best director award, I'm not what will This is such as simple movie, very simple story line, not a big stardom actors. Common names. This movie got some many things right. One thing that I really liked about this is, the story is such beautifully woven every character in the movie gets equal amount of screen time, something unique. This should win movie of the year.
Aisha N.
Rating0 replies
Touching and beautiful.
Helen K.
Rating0 replies
That's exactly how DV starts... With one slap. And he proofed to her he isn't a nice guy after all during the divorce hearing.
Shalu S.
Rating0 replies
Great movie. Truly shows a woman's perspective. And the beauty of this movie if that it is done by a very simple story. It highlights that the society should not expect a woman to be okay when she is not. Had the guy really cared about her and apologized to her in a sincere way, she would have forgiven him but he clearly did not respect her. She was very bold in her decision to leave him. Kudos.
Diago H.
0 replies
Thappad: Its definitely an violence. But the way the movie portrayed the entire episode is sick. Could've done better.
Hari C.
Rating0 replies
Wife is my true partner who devoted her life for me and my children. I love and respect her. Nice movie. I like it.
rana d.
Rating0 replies
Flawless portrayal! Every dialogue and every emotion, from the flicker of the brows to the bland expressionless face with or without make-up are very well executed. But what makes it a real treat are the non-verbal expressions throughout the movie. It was not just a slap. Time stopped. Time had to stop...that's how crucial an event it was. Even the house-help has played her role beautifully. All that the husband needed to do was to acknowledge his mistake and apologize to his beloved. It is so hard to say a "sorry"!
Rating0 replies
Inspiring story. Lesson: don't ever escalate
yogita d.
0 replies
such a beautiful movie, should've been named 'Amrita' Let's celebrate Amrita and her true spirit instead of focussing on Thappad. Taapsee is awesome, truly exceptional performance!
Sabitra s.
Rating0 replies
waste of time.....worst movie good story...
Olasumbo a.
0 replies
To err is human but to forgive is divine. They that forgive are stronger
Abha D.
0 replies
loved the movie very nice
Daisy S.
0 replies
It seems like many people don't get it- or cannot accept the truth. Simply put "Don't take it granted'. Just because it is your wife, men don't have the right to do whatever they want. But it is the Indian culture that women tolerate everything-leave their home-sacrifice their career, including insults, and men are so proud even to accept their wife as someone who builds their true home. When a man sees woman equal, then only then can accept or like this movie. And only a strong man can accept woman as equal.
Rajeev S.
Rating0 replies
Wow!! Wonderful Movie
0 replies
very good story line.
Ritesh R.
Rating0 replies
If people seems any worng in this movie..They don’t understand the meaning of the movie ✌️ Great song (Ek tukda dhoop)
neo n.
Rating1 replies
wow.. that's a HUGE number of comments. So many humans have wasted their time - that too for a worthless, scum-sucking paraisitic vermin-like imp named abunav sanhi.. thankfully, where it matters (at the box-office) people gave the middle-finger that this movie so richly deserves. Agenda-peddling pieces of swine-turd lyk avunab snahi will eventually be put in the proper place they deserve in society (ie, a mental asylum) insha-allah very soon. A quora responder has pointed out why this movie & its director stink worse than the open drain next to my ghetto home at kasimedu (chennai).
neo n.
Rating0 replies
quora question:
Manjit S.
Rating1 replies
Absurd movie. This is not about empowering women. Shows like these only go to reinforce ego, selfishness and the reluctance to forgive. Let’s be clear. I don’t condone physical abuse against women but should a man run for divorce every time a women throws a tantrum? When she curses him? Pinches him? Says something hurtful? Forgiveness is a key differentiator in successful r’ships. R’ships are abt learning from each other and being better beings individually and as a unit. Focus on that!
shsen s.
Rating0 replies
reluctance to forgive? he never apologized for her to even consider forgiving lmao. the movie empowers women to know they deserve respect even when they dont provide financially. the scene where the man's co worker points out he didn't slap him but felt ok to slap his wife says alot.
dd t.
0 replies
The movie is kind of boring (too much silence), reminds me of boring European movies from France or Germany. Before the slap, she doesn't really have a life of her own. He is the center of the relationship, he's very selfish... then he humiliates her in public, slaps her, doesn't even apologise (as if it was normal) She realizes she only married him because that's the way things should be. Marriage was never her dream. The slap only made her realize she doesn't love him and is not happy. that's why she wants a divorce.
Manju R.
0 replies
Y mission Mangal movie removed from einthusan?
Draupadi T.
0 replies
Stupid. Movie. Bad message.
Alina S.
Rating0 replies
I really liked this movie! It is a real issue for many women (and men). It is nice to see a film focused on real human emotions and struggles. Very good acting! Bollywood cinema only gets better! I have almost stopped watching hollywood films.
Srinivas S.
Rating0 replies
nice story with a great perspective for respect and pride
Jay P.
0 replies
350 odd comments on either her culpability or whether slapping her was justified, none on the fact that women were merely chattels for their husband to abuse or use as and when they want. No comments on the fact that no relationship can survive if you don't have love, understanding, respect and empathy towards your partner. Only one couple had all those, her parents, all others lacked one or more of the above. Domestic abuse and marital rape were shown as issues straddling all social strata. Why should women be expected to be demure, subservient and tolerant of such abuses? Cont. 1/2
Jay P.
0 replies
2/2 The mea culpa that comes at the end, hides the bigger issue, that is the women who are to blame for being less demanding. A Jewish man once told me that religion and men's attitude to women come from the mother, it is women who continue to promulgate in their sons the very expectations that as men, they are superior to women not their equal. This film shows that, as the mothers are torn between knowing what she was doing was right but at the same time expecting her to forgive and forget. The ending befittingly showed that emotionally, the women were stronger than the men. Oh!TP was amazing
Anna C.
Rating0 replies
Good movie! The message was received loud and clear, and I am very glad she stuck to her she was just being taken for granted and in the bargain had lost her own identity. Her simple upbringing of what is right made an impact on everybody. In today's world, marriage is an equal partnership and respecting each other should be at the forefront. That is the crux of the matter. Enjoyed watching an offbeat movie like this.
Ahmad M.
0 replies
As a movie msg it is right but any one have a real case in which so honestly included . As a movie i can say it right but in real world i never see this kind of story. Today's reality is very different.
Andrew P.
0 replies
how can she slap
giulia v.
0 replies
worst movie very exaugerested
chetan v.
Rating0 replies
good social message but not entertaining. Tapsi Ji performed up to the mark. House maid in the movie is the best actor. I would give overall 5/10 .
king p.
0 replies
how do you download the movie?
chainone w.
0 replies
Jiya b.
Rating0 replies
Worst storyline
saf m.
Rating0 replies
film is based on fragile female ego dumb topic and reason
saf m.
Rating0 replies
worst movie
Sundry M.
Rating0 replies
A must watch
Rating0 replies
Beautiful inspiring movie! All daughters should be raised this way!
shsen s.
Rating0 replies
movie was crazy good
0 replies
I feel, it's difficult to take bold decisions in real life, as shown in movie. Without compromise in life, no one will be happy.
Merrin M.
Rating0 replies
Such a great film, wonderfully portrayed💯💯
Faad W.
0 replies
movie is s''''t bare drama
Anbazhagan C.
Rating0 replies
Movie's intent was good but I don't agree with the screenplay, it shows not a single men in the movie care about their women. He is wrong in not asking sorry. But movie portrays not a single men that respect their women. Bakwas!
zahira i.
Rating0 replies
Never take someone for granted be that a woman or man . Respect your loved ones and most importantly treat them with kindness .
Lubna M.
0 replies
the film stop last 30 min
sachee k.
Rating0 replies
great movie, well done for addressing issues that's easily overlooked in society, giving everyone something to think about
franzi g.
0 replies
I found the end to be a Bit unsatisfying.. would have appreciated more efforts from the Male side.. he was willing at the end, good to see that! There are always hidden things behind a behaviour of a woman, has nothing to do with feminism rather to learn how to care for somone who is willing to do most of the things for you
Farid Q.
0 replies
She destroyed not only her life but also other's.
. .
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kish n.
0 replies
Am a non indian woman and back where i come from if a husband beats his wife she can easily put him behind bars and he'll be insulted, humilated and at times beaten by the police officers themselves..
Abdul H.
Rating0 replies
Complete bakwas movie, don't know where the writer wants to take our women and kids.
Thanks for rating!
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