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  • Bachhala Malli

    Must Watch



    This gripping drama spans key moments in a man's life, using time jumps to reveal the shocking fallout of family and romantic conflicts, with twists that leave lasting scars.

    Allari Naresh

    Amritha Aiyer

    Faria Abdullah


    Vishal Chandrasekhar




    • 3.4

    • 1.9

    • 2.7

    • 4.4

    • 4.6

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United States

0 replies



Story: Very sad story. 10th class topper ends up becoming a goonda after his father has second family setup. How he loses everyone and gains a mistress is the main story.


Denzlingen, Germany

0 replies



Do watch it! It is not your typical hero-driven narrative. Instead, it focuses on a character who embodies a valuable lesson. The story emphasizes the importance of making wise choices and approaching life’s challenges with diplomacy.


United States

1 replies



Heroine needs orthodontic dental braces. Her teeth are grosssly misaligned.


Krishna K.

Tampa, United States

0 replies



haha, you nailed it... I can't believe they think it is beautiful.. is not pleasant and this is not a complicated problem and simple to fix it .just curious to know why people think it is cute or beautiful


Karthik K.

Leander, United States

0 replies



Really a great movie, many can relate this story


San Jose, United States

0 replies



where is faria abdullah in this movie. did they get confused with Hariteja face. listed faria as supporting


Sydney, Australia

0 replies



Naresh deserves a national award for this performance


yp p.

Irving, United States

0 replies



Very nice movie. Good storyline and great performance by Naresh. One of his best movies.


San Jose, United States

0 replies



Murkathwam, Murkathwam (Stupidity,Stupidity)!!!! A complex drama set in a tragic story line. It’s boring in some places but quickly moves out and keeps you engaged again. Hari Teja’s character is the best.


Londonderry, United Kingdom

0 replies



nice movie. naresh did good job


Falmouth, Canada

0 replies



Fantastic movie indeed!! A story that says how much that one wrong decision in life could change your life immensely. Allari naresh's performance is just peak's!!


Sydney, Australia

0 replies



Great movie with matured acting.


Gothenburg, Sweden

0 replies



Stupidity, stupidity, stupidity...good efforts from entire cast and the director


Brampton, Canada

0 replies



so so realistic, been a while since I came across a movie with such valuable life lesson


Glasgow, United Kingdom

0 replies



good movie.. with a good message..


Concord, United States

0 replies



it is a good tragedy movie after Devadas. Why so much anger and not enough forgiveness? This part is not so good.


Meriden, United States

0 replies



Nice movie...

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