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Music Videos from this movie

  • Bharat



    An eight-year-old boy makes a vow to his father that he will keep his family together no matter what happens, a promise that he works hard to keep over the next 60 years of his life.

    Salman Khan

    Katrina Kaif

    Disha Patani

    Sunil Grover

    Jackie Shroff

    Ali Abbas Zafar




    • 2.8

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Korçë, Albania

0 replies



Kat and Salman rock it again! So underrated but for me an extraordinary project! Thanks for uploading!


Humble, United States

3 replies



This movie is not fit for 20th century, but looks like the movies from the 80s. Complete disappointment.


Charles Sturt University, Australia

0 replies



The 80's is part of the "20th" century... THIS IS THE 21st CENTURY!!


Langley, Canada

0 replies



LMFAO... Just reading this comment was entertainment enough for me! Thanks Einthusan!


Chiajna, Romania

1 replies



Appart from the fact that you're stupid...what did you want in the movie? Some kissing or sex scenes? Go and watch some american shit...


Fallon, United States

0 replies



You are so correct in your assessment of "entertainment" from the USA. I love my country, but would like to see Hollyweird fall into the ocean and take all the radical protestors, government thugs who think they are above the law and any other groups who are trying to destroy our freedoms! I've been crazy about Indian cinema/TV since discovering how much of the entertainment is family friendly. Then I had more to love about India beyond it's diverse beauty, the people, the FOOD and the culture in general! Jai Bharat!


Philadelphia, United States

0 replies



It is an awesome movie!!


Wembley, United Kingdom

0 replies



Great movie


Southwark, United Kingdom

0 replies





Ilford, United Kingdom

0 replies



Superb movie


Chatham, United Kingdom

2 replies



Einthusan , please maintain the new movie process . Sometime you guys almost forget uploading that’s not real professionalism . We paid huge amount to be a premium member so , website should give us proper quality service.


Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France

2 replies



Huge amount u kidding u paid 25 USD only for a life time !


Katy, United States

0 replies



May be he complaining cause sterling pound is falling now in currency market 😝😝😝😝


Everett, United States

0 replies



Lol I paid 20 USD many years ago. Some people are ungrateful. This is the only way I can watch movies from India. Love you Einthusan


Muhammad A.

Chicago, United States

0 replies



Stop complaining


debendra g.

Seattle, United States

0 replies



Amazing movie 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Needham, United States

1 replies



Dont waste your time... Its a flop.


Belfast, United Kingdom

0 replies



Go to hell then. You are not invited


Edison, United States

1 replies



I tried to watch full movie 9 TIMES without SLEEPING but till now NO LUCK. WORST MOVIE OF HISTORY. I would prefer to rotate the chair and watch the watching audience .


Chiajna, Romania

0 replies



Then go and do that!


Niles, United States

0 replies



It's very good movie Salman khan is the best.


Rotterdam, The Netherlands

0 replies



it's not working


Brampton, Canada

0 replies



Please upload Kabir singh


Gothenburg, Sweden

0 replies



Saw in theater on release, second time around to enjoy the small details. I'm not a big SK fan but this is the best he has done in awhile. Great cast and a great project, well done.


Southwark, United Kingdom

0 replies



Worst movie of Indian Cinema. Was having big expectations from this movie. All expectations shattered. In whole movie Salman was keeping promise of his father, which we all do.


Ellicott City, United States

0 replies



yet another anti pakistan and anti muslim oriented movie 😕


Port Colborne, Canada

0 replies



I enjoyed the movie, thanks Einthusan.


Falmouth, Canada

0 replies



Good Movie of course. Loved watching it. Nothing wrong with anything. Well i am not a SK fan but it is what it is!!. it IS a good movie to watch. Please review(According to few current comments) based on movie itself not on personal grudges. And yes india will never change until (some) people learn to appreciate THINGS and ofcourse PEOPLE based on skill and intent and not on Caste, Religion and what not. For fk sake. #RESPECT.


City of Westminster, United Kingdom

0 replies



👎🏽 Waste of time


Muhammad A.

Chicago, United States

0 replies



One time watchable


Beverly Hills, United States

1 replies



Salman is trying very hard and contriving to be a patriot. All this is to gain Indian popularity and acceptance He is stupid. More he tries and more he pushes away people like me


Chiajna, Romania

0 replies



Does he even need acceptance from people like you? :)))))


Fresno, United States

0 replies





Beverly Hills, United States

0 replies



I liked the beginning. As we went thro that n Pakistan with separation. Lost it all


Nashville, United States

0 replies



One time watchable commercial movie.


Beverly Hills, United States

2 replies



Katrina is so bad in acting.


Chiajna, Romania

0 replies



Actually, this and Zero were the best performances in her life. Only now she learns how to act. Idiot!


Neuss, Germany

0 replies



downvoted for posting facts


Somerset, United States

1 replies



I wonder how movies like these are still made in Bollywood. Seems like from the 80s or so. Besides only in Indian movies do you see a 70 year old man with a body and face of a 40 year old. Just by slapping on some grey hair and/or beard does not make one look young. The skin looks flawless and young. I have observed this in many Indian movies.


Chiajna, Romania

0 replies



Dude, he's 52 not 40 lol you actually made him a compliment!


Dublin, Ireland

0 replies



Amazing heart touching movie❤️ Must watch


Southwark, United Kingdom

0 replies



Funniest thing is that the pirate was dancing on Amitabh Bachhan's music. He did not take hostage to any one and left without any money. LOL


Southwark, United Kingdom

0 replies



Katrina was about 70 years old. Was looking like 39 years old. No wrinkles on her face. What kind of food she was eating. LOL again.


Beverly Hills, United States

0 replies



Nice movie. Sort of what happened to people with separation Although I can,it stand Katrina Salman was ok here


Wildomar, United States

0 replies



The acting is typical Salman and I enjoy him with his particular style, I wish this had a better flow or direction. Also Ms. Kaif looks so different in the movie, older, and I mean even in the scenes that she was to be young.


Priya R.

Rehoboth, United States

0 replies



such a waste of time. sunil grover is good though.


Southwark, United Kingdom

0 replies



Salman khan at his best


Bharath L.

Alpharetta, United States

0 replies



The movies being uploaded in Einthusan since last 6 months are after they are available on Amazon Prime. einthusan has lost their way.


Budapest, Hungary

0 replies



for two and half hour I waited for something to start, some twist, some climax, but found nothing. complete waste of time.


Auckland, New Zealand

0 replies



Waste of time. I am not sure how these kinds of movies become superhit.


Antwerp, Belgium

0 replies



Ok movie, the original korean movie Ode to my father is much better !


Matawan, United States

0 replies



waste of tiem


Seattle, United States

1 replies



Worst make-up (Salman was supposed to be looking like 75 years, rather he looked like 40 years) , Worst direction ...


Chiajna, Romania

0 replies



Where on earth did you see men in their 40's looking like that?? Where the hell do you live?? That's scary as fuck...he doesn't look 75, i agree, but 60 he looks. 40!? Stop trolling :))))


Wylie, United States

0 replies



This is so boring movie. Couldn't watch even half


Tucson, United States

0 replies



Its a good movie, I dont know whats up with whoever said its not


Los Angeles, United States

0 replies



One of the worse movie of the year, salman needs to stop acting


Boardman, United States

0 replies



to me, personally, this movie epitomizes a certain credo widely attributed to Samuel Johnson. indeed, certain scoundrels have found not mere refuge but truly a way to monetize patriotism to fill their coffers. regards to the puppet FM mms: he proved to be a good puppet to IMF + WB in the 1990s. he proved to be good puppet to italian-origin chief in 2005-14. page 385 on above magazine more reference from official WB+IMF docs:


Houston, United States

0 replies



Great movie.


Auckland, New Zealand

0 replies



What a lovely movie. SK & Katrina's vibes are fabulous. All performed very well in their relevant roles. Story is very good and such an eye-opener to those who did not experience the hardships and trials / tribulations that people faced at partition time. Our younger generation have no idea of what transpired during 1947. Thank you for getting this story across and enlightening us. Very heart-rending.


Agadir, Morocco

0 replies





Manchester, United Kingdom

0 replies



Rubbish story. There is no story line


Southampton, United Kingdom

0 replies



Disappointing! The pretext of independence is used to skim decades, like a travelogue! Suffering, hardship, loss and trauma suffered masked by its bright & breezy approach. And as for that inane statement, So far not love of fellow mankind or bollywood films has proved to resolve poverty, oppression, inequality, injustice! However love of power, money, sycophancy & the Panama papers have yielded success! From a modern cohabiting couple to a parochial marriage.


Olsztyn, Poland

0 replies



It was actually a good movie


Olsztyn, Poland

0 replies



How is disha patani a lead? Apart from one song she is only 2 min in the movie?🤷‍♂️


Mount Vernon, United States

1 replies



Salman should stop working - seriously. Instead of wasting three hours watching this movie please go and work for 3hrs and donate that money to some charity organization for noble cause. Lol


Neuss, Germany

0 replies



He should stop working even though he regulary delivers blockbusters? lol This movie sucked ass but it still made almost 200 crore


Chicago, United States

0 replies



अच्छा फिल्म है।


Saint Augustine, United States

0 replies



what a boring movie


San Diego, United States

0 replies



Very poor direction. Nothing new or special about story-line. Actors should not be blamed, if movie does not make lot of money. May be one time watch. Thanks Einthusan


Austin, United States

0 replies



Time waste!


Hounslow, United Kingdom

0 replies



watchable movie.


Charlotte, United States

0 replies



THIS MOVIE IS A SLAP ON THE FACE for BJP AND MODI, who is trying to divide and rule.


Kim E.

Bergen, Norway

0 replies



I don’t want to blame anyone. You paid 25USD. That’s worth to see some movies. Even though some are bad movies. BHARAT is not so bad movie. Thank you Einthusan.


Naperville, United States

0 replies



sorry ass movie. I repent spending 2.5 hours.


Katy, United States

0 replies



Very nice movie. Much needed as today’s date where people are divided by religious and caste based system. Always put blame on Pakistan and politicians try to escape. That should be changed.


Vista, United States

0 replies



Very Good movie .. I liked it very much after - Bajrangi Bhaijaan, this is another movie that Salman has chose a best script ... However it seems like Salman Khan has got a template of giving good movies , the template is where he has to wait for someone and get re-united , Bajrangi Bhaijaan , Tubelight and now Bharat..


Lisbon, Portugal

0 replies



Enjoyed the movie....and as a Salman movie it's a "one time must watch" film.


Calgary, Canada

0 replies



Happy Birthday Salman!!


Copenhagen, Denmark

0 replies



They rocks together, but the movie name is not what is it about. The comedy is brilliant!


Gaithersburg, United States

0 replies



Much better movie than expected. What a surprise, I laughed and I cried, very entertaining overall!


Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

0 replies



Love this movie


saji v.

Brisbane, Australia

0 replies



who is Kat is he or she a cat


Didcot, United Kingdom

0 replies



When I started watching this film, I really didn't expect to find myself commenting on it. This is such a powerful film, which starts off as a love story and then develops as it deals with the single, most momentous episode in the history of India and Pakistan. The enmity, the fervour, the raw emotions this episode still ellicits from those who experienced it directly and also by the generations that followed are testament to it. The film tackles this sensitively and beautifully, credit to all those involved in the making of the film. I think acting wise, it's SK's best film to date!


Liverpool, United Kingdom

0 replies



great film


Eden Prairie, United States

0 replies



Ughh it keeps glitching


Eden Prairie, United States

0 replies



Amazing movie. Kat and salman are amazing together


Malton, Canada

0 replies



love salman khan ur the best


Malton, Canada

0 replies



salman khan no 1


Malton, Canada

0 replies



salman khan is the best good movie



0 replies



Very nice acting....i love this movie


Ilford, United Kingdom

0 replies



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