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Mrs. Chatterjee vs. Norway
Must Watch2023Hindi
An immigrant Indian mother's battle against the Norwegian foster care system and local legal machinery to win back the custody of her children.
Rani Mukerji
Neena Gupta
Anirban Bhattacharya
Jim Sarbh
Amit Trivedi
Ashima Chibber
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Ramesh C.
0 replies
Lalu P.
1 replies
will vikram vedha be uploaded today? I am so hyped
0 replies
its uploaded. but its not so good. its over hyped thats it.
madhu s.
7 replies
whey they didn't show how dirty indian homes in european countries.
Raj D.
Rating1 replies
They probably did not see your home, otherwise your wish would've been granted.
The Brown D.
0 replies
Arundhati B.
1 replies
The fact that you're a racist speaks a lot about your background.
chambers R.
0 replies
a fact is a fact, clean ur home tats all
0 replies
madhu - is that what you learned from this movie? Stupid self loathing Indian?
0 replies
chambers R - First clean your dirty HDB apartment in Singapore.
Sidrameshwar S.
0 replies
1st you stop purchasing 2nd hand home stuffs from RAMSTEIN BOOKOO app.
Ni M.
0 replies
Indians homes are not dirty, not just because it's occupied by indians, in india there is loose sand and hot air it's due to the weather that sand gets carried in air and gets deposited through windows and on buildings, mostly in other countries it's either the cold weather or milder that settles the dust, did you happen to see the poor wolrd African countries or south American states ?when going gets tough you have to keep running to stay where you are! Geta life
Noormohammad A.
0 replies
so you mean if your home is dirty then people have right to take your children? Have you lost it?
Chikku M.
0 replies
ngl, this movie made me hate Norway entirely lmao
Harsha N.
Rating2 replies
Gripping. Should have been a must watch. Makes me wonder if the scam was exposed in Norway or it still exists? Does anyone know?
abc a.
0 replies
still exists, Norway people are child abductors
Ni M.
0 replies
Yup very much exists, their government is indebted to provide these abducted immigrant children's to their tax paying citizens who can't reproduce
ramineni R.
Rating0 replies
Brought tears to my eyes. Hat's off to the mother whose life story was depicted in this movies. Superb performances by Rani Mukherjee and by the actor who played the role of the lawyer from Norway
Jasmin C.
Rating0 replies
An outstanding movie A must watch How can any country take away children from their mother This movie opens up our eyes to what is happening in this world It is very sad and we don't know how many cases have been won or lost Hats of to all the mothers who are going through this
avinash g.
1 replies
Norway is Right!!!
abc a.
0 replies
Why the heck is Norway right, frozen tundra in the middle of nowhere
Deepak G.
Rating3 replies
Well don’t ne. Hope it’s not true story.
Sivasurya S.
0 replies
It sadly is
Rating0 replies
It is a true story check it yourself.
sohel s.
0 replies
I live in Norway, it is true. it can be even worse
Magda E.
Rating0 replies
Must watch, blockbuster movie 🎥
Maman P.
Rating0 replies
a must watch movie and a very big salute to Sagarika mam for the fight she pull up for her kids, every mother will fight til her last breath for her kids
Sivasurya S.
0 replies
Outstanding movie!! Rani Mam at her best and it perfectly shows how even nowadays our culture is being looked down on by the west.
dipankar b.
0 replies
Must watch best movie
Amit T.
0 replies
just a awsum movie...tears rolld down by seeing how are you ill treated on foreign soil with your cultures
kabul g.
1 replies
all these western and eastern people are shit they are against the our culture
Rating0 replies
The so called NGO are in such big racket and they target the vulnerable poor people. It is not th e government of that country's fault when these NGOs paint a bad picture for their personal gain. The man who ated as Rani M's husband are the typical MCP that try to get thir citzenship, Green card in foreign counntries do stupid things intead of explain the cultural differences. Yes you can assiminate in foreign countries, but don't have to sell your soul to the devil. Great Movie.
Prithbi C.
Rating0 replies
The best movie in a decade. Tears roll down watching this movie.
jobin j.
0 replies
Why I am getting frequent long adds despite being ur lifelong premium member plse help tks
1 replies
I read some negative reviews of this film but it's definitely worth seeing. The pain of a mother separated from her small children is very poignantly brought out. Rani does a commendable job immersing herself in a somewhat hysteric character. The rest of the cast fit the bill very well as well especially Jim Sarbh. Unlike some of the movies based outside India, only a few of the Norwegians are depicted negatively.
Kasi G.
0 replies
The whole issue happened because of the mentally unstable mother in the eyes of the Norwegian government. To us, our practices and customs looks normal but for culturally different European systems, they look unhygienic and weird.
Rooh K.
1 replies
and these countries push there lgtb sh!tty and sick agenda on children and yet its fine and even better to choose you are a woman with pp but these cultural differences are harmful lol
Sunitha S.
0 replies
I am a US Citizen from India. I have an 8 autistic child as well...This is common in the West with CPS, CYS, etc., Big monies made by welfare is nothing new with pedophiles. Similarly, conversion to the church approaching helpless victims in the name of help and throwing rice bags. The school system in the est is the worst case scenario due to twisted mentality of sexm absolutely controlled agenda.
ravivarman P.
0 replies
Fantastic movie
amritpal k.
0 replies
nice movie
Venu M.
Rating0 replies
Another good performance of Rani Mukerji.
Hamza B.
0 replies
no doubt very, PAINFUL STORY
john a.
Rating0 replies
Please fight for the Indian community, if its still going on in Norway. None of the other European countries or any western countries would just snatch kids and get into legal issues....that's a bit of exaggeration on. Yes really brought tears......... Keep going Bollywood movies!!!!!!!
Rohit L.
2 replies
Unrealistic, overdramatic and not representable for Norway at all. The most boring movie i have seen lately.
Kasi G.
0 replies
Well said. We want our rules to be followed every where and complain if the other countries asks us to follow theirs when we are in their land.
Reneesh M.
0 replies
lol are you the husband from this movie?
amu s.
1 replies
it's a european country. What did she expect! if she can't follow their way of living, then rather not go there. When foreigners come to india, don't Indians want the foreigners to live like fellow indians? Any country and country's people, especially administration will want migrants to follow their own way of living. Name 1 migrant who can eat on the roads during the fasting month in arabic countries. So many such examples.
Priya S.
1 replies
The family has been living following the rules of the country. What we do at home is personal unless we’re really proving a hazard for neighboring properties. This was unfortunate that they wouldn’t even have the mom not meet the kids, specially when the younger one was still in the breastfeeding stage.
amu s.
0 replies
apparently, way of upbringing of children is included in the 'rules of the country', which she is not abiding by according to the welfare insti. European govts take full charge of children in their countries, providing them all facilities they would need for correct upbringing, whether at home or outside, at no cost to parents. They consider it their own responsibility, logic being these children are the future of their society.
amu s.
2 replies
Anyway, the movie is absolutely boring, irrelevant, and over-made. She clearly seems to ahve issues, becasue even her own family , husband, don't want children to be with her. There seems to be no issues with other immigrant mothers here, but only her. The Norway govt is shown as the villain to spice up the movie. But it's unreal. I guess bollywood has lost all respect in India, and is now looking to lose respect in other countries too.
Nidhi V.
1 replies
second of all I am sorry she was overdramatic, I mean its not like her children wasn't being taken away. her kids who she gave birth to was taken away and how do u expect her to react. this is a true story so the Norway government was the villain and is the villain. now if you don't think that the way she reacted to her kids being taken is right, I don't think you know what a mother's instinct is. and lastly no one and I mean no one even if its the government should tell a mother/father how to upbring their kids (exception is if they are abusive)
Ni M.
0 replies
First of all you don't have To be apologitic for the fact the mother showed her emotions as human , Many people have been butchered in France by the guilitton, does that make all french as over dramatic or mad or everyone during that revolution had issues ? If some basic life neccisites like food water shelter money family is taken away from human their is struggle and those emotions need to exposed that doesnt mean she had issues
Nidhi V.
0 replies
first of all the husband is abusive and is someone who clearly listens to his mother's words even when its his own wife and children which is a huge red flag, and the fact that he cares about his citizenship and money more clearly shows how much love he has for his kids, oh and how much he loves his wife. clearly he doesn't care enough and the fact that she went through everything for their kids is what shows how much she loves their kids and what a mother's love is- its not being over dramatic or unrealistic its called caring for your children.
Aneesh V.
Rating0 replies
Great movie. Can't believe such things happen in Norway
Rating0 replies
beautiful movie must watch
ah U.
0 replies
So many flaws . Story plot gd. But how come once rani is perfectly speaking English N all of a sudden broken English. And what times they are portraying in this movie. Where SOCIAL WORKERS DEALING WITH PEOPLE OF SLL RACES AND CULTURES are ignorant even about food N EVEN Tika on forehead (dot)
0 replies
wonderful movie
meenakshi m.
0 replies
Hats off to late Sushma Swaraj ji for making this possible as well
jas s.
2 replies
movie is good but the facts are not real. Norway is a great country and helps struggling families.
Sivasurya S.
0 replies
The child welfare system has been heavily critized by the public eye, even on other cases leading immigrant families flee back to their country with their children because of this issue. Norway is not as great as widely known.
0 replies
reality bite a lot. Not a pinch to a third person. Country is GREAT, means what?
Nayan S.
0 replies
I been to Norway, you wouldnt think that a country that is so open to Multi-Culturism and so Diverse (you only got to walk around Oslo) that such awful things happen! Talk about not thinking outside the box and/or visiting the countries where such mother/child behaviour is regarded as ok.
Bo h.
Rating0 replies
Det is good movie
Parwiz R.
Rating0 replies
this movie made me HATE NORWAY!!!!
Na S.
Rating0 replies
Mothers emotions doesn’t understand rules and regulations. Think of how animal or bird mothers feel when their children and taken away and eaten by humans.
ashim g.
0 replies
well I understand the perspective of saving the children from parents or guardians in some cases, where it is necessary (abusive parents, drugs addicted or sexual harassments). There are reasons why such an institution exists, however taking children away from the family is the last step generally. There are a lot of discussions and meetings to integrate the parents into the system and yes there are checks at all levels starting from kindergarten, school, etc.
Kamal G.
0 replies
What a typical arrogant Indian man though. He’s worried about his citizenship more than his children and top of that he blames his wife for welfare taking them away.
0 replies
"Machor jhol chaaku se khilata hai?" super dialogue... haha. "Maa ka kath mein amruth hota hai" wah.. super..
0 replies
Oh my god... they say "dont cry in front of kids, and this cause emotional attachment.. what utter nonsense..... what they think humans are emotion less creatures on earth? bring all those people to India ask them to live here.
Anju R.
0 replies
Outstanding performance of rani
0 replies
main issue is Indian selling out Indian
jay s.
0 replies
the aeroband advertisement is annoying.
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