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Hi Nanna
Must Watch2023Telugu
A single father begins to narrate the story of the missing mother to his child and nothing remains the same.
Mrunal Thakur
Kiara Khanna
Shruti Haasan
Hesham Abdul Wahab
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Shridhar N.
Rating0 replies
Fun Family movie to watch from beginning to end. Strong chemistry between leading characters.
Andrew P.
Rating0 replies
one of my favorites now! soooo good
priyanga a.
Rating0 replies
Breezy movie 🎥 to watch
Ria H.
0 replies
loved the movie made me cry eight times people who say its bad are just inscure. ultimate girls movie
Abhishek K.
Rating0 replies
Beautiful movie.
Amrutha S.
Rating0 replies
Great emotional story...loved the movie...times fly by
Yash M.
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One of the best movies I saw in a long time, Such a beautiful and emotional story. Loved it !!
Bikram G.
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Balaswamy Cyril C.
Rating0 replies
best movie
Rajesh N.
Rating0 replies
Nice movie.
Nagyon k.
Rating0 replies
Very interesting movie and it really got me emotional tears .....I love it.
naveen k.
0 replies
nice one
Surya C.
Rating0 replies
Fantastic Movie!! Heart touching! Nani is called a natural star for a reason. Mrunal Thakur was just amazing in her role. Baby Kiara did such a promising performance. Love her. Enjoyed it thoroughly!!
kumar g.
Rating0 replies
nice feel good movie
Senitha W.
0 replies
Why it's always stop playing video....
Roshan S.
Rating0 replies
always expect the best from Nani. beautiful movie. recommended
Priya M.
Rating0 replies
Perfect movie
Taruni B.
Rating0 replies
good family drama screenplay 1 time watch ..but where is shruthi ? Mrunal worrying not to have kids is a silly strong base in the story
jay j.
0 replies
Very nice movie, must watch
Ravi C.
Rating0 replies
Emotional. A very good movie. Couple of well hidden suspense revealed slowly. Last ~ 1 hr is a bit slow and draggy with most of the story in the books. Ending though is good with one last surprise.
S K.
0 replies
must watch
Neelima G.
0 replies
One of the best movie of all recent movies..Definitely we will cry..
Punith V.
1 replies
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Ann T.
Rating0 replies
She was cold towards everybody really and never thought about her own daughter's feelings so why care about some girl who she just met?
Rose M.
Rating0 replies
super movie , well filmed
Fathimarinsi R.
0 replies
Abi U.
Rating0 replies
What a brilliant movie. Acting is on point, first time watching Mrunal. Amazing actress. Worth the time.
. .
1 replies
very sad with happy movie. I don't like the ending becasue the little girl Iam sad.
Ron M.
Rating0 replies
Hmmm... the girl doesn't die. That's her signing at the end
Ron M.
Rating0 replies
Nice movie with good acting by all. Some of the drama towards the end could have been avoided
sunderam k.
Rating0 replies
must watch
Olayinka T.
Rating0 replies
Well made movie! Strong and beautiful performances! Beautiful cast! Overall, very well done!
John D.
Rating0 replies
What is new about this film? Waste of time :(
Kalyani S.
Rating1 replies
The first half was good. After that, it gets very predictable. While seeing your parents getting divorced can be traumatic, she was a grown person by the time her parents split up, so not sure why the heck she is so traumatized. Overall, it is an okay movie. Not sure what the hype was all about!
Jay R.
Rating1 replies
The way people handle trauma's is different, some people get scared, some have suicidal tendencies and luckily most of us people can deal with it in a manner, in which they just can lead normal lives and not be so weakminded. Watch the movie again, also look at my review and try to re-frame your opinion of this movie, especially regarding inter generational trauma, which can affect your unborn child. The movie gives a depiction of the dangers of having unresolved trauma in your adulthood, what they can entail for you. The writer of this movie had a highly psychological approach.
Jay R.
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And yes Telugu and Tamil audience are more adept to complex storylines and storywriting, because it is my belief that the average intelligence of Telugu and Tamil people is higher, than the Hindi audience. The Hindi audience want everything pointed out to them in the movie, they want brainless movies, which they call after a fucking spice, Masala. Hindi audience is lazy and that's why Bollywood is copying every great story from the South of India, because they do not have the creativity to come up with such a great story. For me personally Tollywood and Tammywood are the best!
Bob M.
Rating0 replies
Nice love story with excellent action and direction. But the scenes and story are not realistic as it is just a cinema.
Suren K.
Rating0 replies
Okay movie. Felt like dragging at some places.
Cornelis O.
Rating0 replies
Great movie
spalani s.
Rating0 replies
Characters acted best..
Neelima R.
Rating0 replies
shalini b.
0 replies
A must watch film, very well taken with a good storyline.
Vijay V.
Rating0 replies
A touching movie, definitely worth watching
Linda S.
Rating0 replies
Love, love, love it! Such a beautiful film! 💛
Dipendra N.
0 replies
Movie of the year. perfect in every way.
Ahmad S.
Rating0 replies
R B.
0 replies
super duper movie
Bob J.
0 replies
@Arun S. what are you smoking man, you can make jokes like the first one you made about Tamil people wanting title as Hi Appa but shut your piehole about spoiling the movie for others.
Abe P.
0 replies
What a nice film. I can relate. Must watch!
Jay R.
Rating1 replies
I hope all of you, who commented on this movie with good chemistry, emotional and sad, are not this shortsighted in life itself. This movie depicts a story about Inter-generational trauma, which can be transferred on to your children through genetic means. Trauma is something, which is stored in the subconscious of a person, only through good emotional processing and belief in yourself, can you overcome trauma. Most people don't deal with their childhood trauma, before marriage and parenthood, which can lead to children being born with mental and physical defects. This movie is a MASTERPIECE!
Jay R.
Rating1 replies
The subconscious of us all is the place, where we store all of our emotional baggage is being stored, this movie gave a fine depiction of the topic of Inter-generational traumas, which if not addressed properly by an adult, can damage not only yourself but also the one that you may carry for nine months in your belly. Genetic sickness and illnesses have a tendency to be widespread in families and households with a lot of traumatic history, but most importantly the trauma's which have been utterly repressed, so that the trauma is going deeper into the soil, which they call the subconscious mind
Jay R.
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Taneesha P.
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Wonderful movie with many twists. A bit predictable, but still a master piece to watch. Emotional! Keep tissues for this movie
Pushkaraguptha R.
0 replies
Excellent Movie!!
Swethika K.
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Raj K.
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This movie is hollywood level, Drama Romance. Excellent story, screenplay and direction. Must watch.
Sunitha t.
0 replies
Heart-touching and emotional movie. Shouryuv extracted very well the action skills from the main characters.
Thanks for rating!
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