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Amara Kaaviyam
Must Watch2014Tamil
The movie is an emotional journey everyone can relate to. Set in the `80s, the film revolves around two, school-going adolescents who fall in love.
Mia Ghibran
Anant Nag
Thambi Ramaiah
Jeeva Shankar
M. Ghibran
Sudeepa Pinky
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Rishani K.
Rating0 replies
This was an OK film. The lead pair were good. Didn't like the ending though. Thanks for the upload!
Ifthi K.
Rating0 replies
Slow,but nice!
Amy N.
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Ann J.
0 replies
Can you please put english subtitles please???
Deepa A.
0 replies
Good Romatic movie.. But climax was not good. Movie was very slow.
Ramadoss C.
Rating0 replies
A memorable love story. Will touch your heart!
Thanush K.
0 replies
A good one time watch
Vivek K.
Rating0 replies
Jeeva-Karthika's Love has captured so genuine n intensly. Everyone would've gone crazy if they would get a girl like karthika. Ppl should encourage this kind of movies n directors
Swati G.
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romantic movie
Chandrakumar C.
0 replies
This what true love is all about. Good movie i like it. Bit similar to Romeo and Juliet story.
SreeKumar ..
Rating0 replies
I had to stop viewing towards the ending. I couldn't take it. A woman's love is unmeasurable. That's all........
SreeKumar ..
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Forgot to say thanks to EINTHUSAN. You cam imagine, how I got carried off emotionally.
Akbar basha S.
Rating0 replies
A bad example of a good love story movie showing madness taking priority over love when madly in love. However can watch. :) ***
Krish G.
0 replies
Mia acting superb! sathya --really lousy in the first 3/4 of the movie --staring at the camera ...last few scenes were good! Better male lead who could act instead of a wooden actor --would have made this movie a great hit!
Ganesh R.
Rating0 replies
Wonderful movie , Recommended !
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