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  • Uruthikol


    A school dropout tries to track down the men who might have kidnapped his sister.

    Kishore Kishy


    Kaali Venkat



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Fort Worth, United States

0 replies



audio is out-of-sync with the video


Milpitas, United States

0 replies



Rubbish, rot, balderdash, drivel, bosh etc.


Cardiff, United Kingdom

0 replies



Don't wast your time by watching this movie... No substance, to many twist and turns non of the characters show any acting skills....


Melbourne, Australia

0 replies



silly end ..,,


Prosper, United States

0 replies



I can only laugh... too much promise and too little in the end.


Jey J.

Campbelltown, Australia

0 replies



Watchable movie ...............


Gold Coast, Australia

1 replies



wtf did i just watch, this is so dumb it feels like a joke. are they serious like what the bloody fuck???????????????????


Carson City, United States

0 replies



Devika Ji, Namaste. We all have frustrations but we don't exhibit in public. why? because others will evaluate you negatively. Same the case here, too. You are in Australia, and not one's gonna know who you are. But... that's like cheating yourself, your conscience, your mind, your soul. Why use lewd verbal epithets? EINTHUSAN, even gave you a Crown... Don't you have a speck of respect towards them? Please do not get mad at me. Best wishes to you and family.


Lakewood Ranch, United States

0 replies



not bad einthusen


Singapore, Singapore

0 replies



Can someone please tell me how to download movies on iPhone šŸ˜­


Singapore, Singapore

0 replies



Can someone please tell me how to download movies on iPhone šŸ˜­

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